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Lord Wukits

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  1. I would imagine a solution would be easy, but doesn\'t work ATM. I have a rocket that can easily place 1x small solid rocket in retrograde firing position. It is linked to the separation of the stages, but doesn\'t work when the stages are separated. BTW anyone interested in a great show about space debris, check out the Anime 'Planets'.
  2. The V2, All vanilla, and left with more than ample fuel to take bigger components. The V1 was my test of orbit, and the V2 was my first attempt at the moon, but decided to aim for Minmus when I realized I had a S-Ton* of fuel left once in orbit. First landing I attempted to save the tri-rocket 3rd stage, but the Nozzle Bells could not take the weight. So I added struts.(Next plan is to take base compartments) It says it all... [shadow=blue,left]Like a boss.[/shadow]
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