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Posts posted by Yorik

  1. I know this is a tall order, but your excellent mod opens up the possibility for something I would like a lot: Make it possible to spend both time and money to train your kerbals. Right now the only way for them to become good at what they do is through sending them on missions, which kind of defeats the purpose of an astronaut training complex. Kerbals should be prepared to handel a lot of situations.

    Basically what I'm suggesting is that kerbals can be put into training(making them unavailable for missions), and after a certain time they get experience. The higher their level the more the training costs, and the longer it takes. Since they get paid more during training, the player has to decide whether he's willing to send green crew or cough up the money and invest the time to send kerbals out. I think It would be a good idea to set a cap for the amount of exp the kerbals can earn this way.

    Well, just thought I write this, I have no idea how hard it would be to implement it(I'm guessing hard, but your mod seems to go in that direction anyway), and I'm not the least bit qualified to do this myself.

  2. This is the test threat for my next release. Currently there are 3 parts in testing:



    New: Multi-Lense Camera Array - Take thousands of high-def pictures at different wavelengths in mere seconds. Great at analyzing biomes from low orbit. Can also be used to take more general surveys from higher orbits.

    2.5 m materials bay - works exactly as the normal materials bay, but fits on 2.5 m rockets

    Radial core sample drill - This works while the ship is landed and drills into the planet to retrieve a core sample. Currently it gives the same amount of science as a surface sample. It comes with it's own science descriptions and grants you additional science points. Any ideas how to tweak that value would be appreciated. Same goes for weight and where to place it in the tech tree. Note: The drill is reusable, so you can use it to prospect several biomes without having to haul several drills at once.

    If you like the parts, please give me feedback. The current placement of the parts in the tech tree is still very WIP, as are the science values and the weight. Love me some feedback.

    Here's the link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6d16jpngjyd4uma/PlaCoSciencev3.rar?dl=1&token_hash=AAETMktTIqyV4bD3YNreOZPoUjXHZgjC8SD9EtttIWP63Q

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