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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. It's just multiplication, powers, and addition. Read it through one bit at a time.
  2. That's not algebra, just a lot of multiplication and division. Let's say you work out the mass ratio to be four; what you would then have to work out is; 2X([3/5)]+[1/3X{3/53}]+[1/5X{3/55}]+[1/7X{3/53}]+[1/9X{3/59}]+[1/11X{3/511}]). Or a few more, if you want to be accurate.
  3. To get Delta-V of a rocket stage without using a calculator, you only need to add up the total mass of the rocket stage and any payload (including any upper stages) before launch, divide it by the total weight after launch (getting you what's called the mass ratio), get the natural log of that, and then multiply that by (IspX9.981). To approximate the natural log without using a calculator, simply perform this formula; (the one on the right, you can ignore the others) with z=the mass ratio, a large number of times-to get the true value, an infinite number of times. Since powers are just repeated multiplication, it should be easy enough to do using just pen and paper.
  4. You don't need a very big loss of Isp from the theoretical model to reduce the payload by a lot more than half. The rocket equation doesn't treat single-stage rockets terribly kindly.
  5. Whereas the machinery required to make a ton of metal per person per year is just fine to move about, is it?
  6. And should be one of three launches that day, though we aren't likely to see much coverage for one of them.
  7. We don't know if negative mass is even possible, nevermind how to produce it.
  8. The upper-stage engine. They already use two different models of the same engine.
  9. We're reasonably sure that life started with RNA, and DNA are proteins are later developments. We don't have a good model for life without at least RNA, and we certainly haven't found any.
  10. Same for the boosted version of Titan III, and indeed ISRO's own ASLV rocket.
  11. I wouldn't be that hasty; second-stage flight won't have finished yet, and that's with a new engine model.
  12. Molniya orbit, 1,000*38,000km about 64 degrees inclination. Assuming it is a TRUMPET, anyway.
  13. Launch moved back slightly to 3:19UTC (12 minutes from now)
  14. http://www.ulalaunch.com/webcast.aspx Launch is for the NRO, so no official word on payload. From the orbital parameters we know about, it seems to be a TRUMPET signals intelligence sat; this fits with the large fairing on the rocket, as TRUMPET is known to have massive mesh antennae.
  15. Change of concentrations of various regulatory chemicals throughout the brain, including neurotransmitters, in response to chemical and elctrical signals from the blood, other glial cells, and neurons. I'm not saying it means computer models won't work, just that current computer models are probably much too simplistic.
  16. Glial cells have been shown to be involved in information processing, although the mechanism is unclear. Most notably, it's been found that injecting mice brains with human glial cells made the mice smarter.
  17. 1 million neurons-and no glial cells, which are equally vital and have much more complex behaviour.
  18. Why is interaction required for something to be a frame of reference?
  19. Bor-4 also returned from orbit and did most of a landing run, but had to ditch and be picked up by a ship.
  20. Wake me up when taxpayers ready to pay $1.5billion for the AR-1 program, and equivalent per-engine costs. Or when orbital sciences stops being a private company, for that matter.
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