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Everything posted by Galactor

  1. So... being a bit of a lit nerd myself I decided, especially considering for some reason I thought this WAS going to be a version of Ozymandias set in kerbaldom, to just go ahead and do that... So without further adieu, my nod to Shelley and to Squad: I met a traveller from a spaceborn land Who said: Two vast triumphant spheres of dust stand in the night sky. On them, in the sand, Half sunk, a shattered spaceship lies, whose parts, and broken bits, and sneer of lost command, tell that its sculptor well that science read which yet made it, back from that lifeless thing, the pod that mocked them and the men it fed: and on the plaque these words appear: "My name is Jebediah, King of Space: Look on my works, ye cowards, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the debris of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away.
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