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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Edit, didn't see how long ago this was posted.
  2. For everyone posting: Yes, I've read the what-not-to-suggest list, and yes, I've seen the endless supply of people suggesting squad do multiplayer as if the idea had never been brought up prior. As far as I could tell from what the devs where saying during Kerbal Con, they are considering making a Multiplayer game mode after the SP reaches scope completion. They reached this decision after the "Kerbal Multiplayer Plugin" created a working, albeit buggy multiplayer. I am not suggesting the addition of multiplayer, but rather how multiple potential launches going off at once could be handled. To answer Terran's question, KMP uses a clever solution for time warp which is too lengthy to describe whilst typing on a tablet but you can read about if you search for it in the forums. The devs will probably use this method as well.
  3. Since Kerbal Space Program is essentially a Space Program Simulator, I would definitely like it if the multiplayer mode utilizes the theme that each player is a different space program. Having this "theme" would allow players to compete with each other for Public in their own Careers, and possibly allow players to do things such as buy tech off of each other or share the science gained from a joint mission. Players could also have their own space centers. Since there would only ideally be at the most 10 people per server, SQUAD could set up 10 predetermined locations for space center construction which players joining a server for the first time could pick from, and then do all of their launches from the site. This would also take away the need for a "network bubble" around the space center like KMP does it, as different players' rockets would launch from different areas.
  4. I've been having trouble with persistence saving; it seems that all of the spacecraft on a server dissapear when the server crashes.
  5. The problem with your shuttle is that it has a asymmetrical lift system which you haven't seem to have adjusted for. Try to make it so that your center of thrust matches your center of mass. (you can probably use the small radial engines tilted at an angle in order to do this). EDIT: In case you didn't already know, you can see where your center of lift, thrust, and mass is by pressing the buttons underneath where you pick your parts.
  6. First of all, there IS an atmosphere on Eve. It's actually thicker than that of Kerbin. In order to do interplanetary transfers with more efficiency, it's very important that you take advantage that the Oberth Effect and do your entire interplanetary burn while within kerbin's gravity. (100km circular orbit is usually where I start). In order to know when to do your burn, use the calculator at ksp.olex.biz If you're still having trouble getting an encounter, make sure you're on the same orbital plane. Eve's orbit has some inclination, so somewhere along the trip you'll have to adjust for that.
  7. I completely agree, I would have liked to see variations of all of the engines. (like, instead of starting with the LV-909, you start with an earlier model, and improve it over time). The current way everything is setup is pretty dull and pointless. Also, I don't think that surface samples and crew reports on the ground should give many science points if any at all.
  8. [Please note that I do indeed understand Squad's reasoning for how the tech-tree is currently. Instead of a historically accurate time-line for scientific equipment, they've gone for a structure more similar to the time line in which the parts were added to the game. Personally, I do not like this decision very much, but I am in no way demanding them to change it. At the very least, I would like the order in which the tech tree items appear to be easily mod-able so that people can change it to better suit their own style of game play] After watching different people play through update 0.22 during the livestream marathon, there have been some parts of the tech tree (as well as the science gathering mechanic) that I would like to see tweaking of: -For the initial starting items, players should not have access to liquid fueled rockets or tanks. Instead, they should start with all the solid rocket sizes (including sepatrons), as well as vertical decouplers (Not having decouplers doesn't really add much challenge, instead it just requires you to start your burns right before the previous stage runs out of fuel, which is something that a new player might get confused with), and all of the structural parts. It's rather silly that Kerbals can't put bits of metal on their spacecraft, even though they've already built huge buildings. My main point for this is, instead of the wonky looking rockets I've seen people start with so far, I would like to be able to start off with a rocket similar to EJ_SA's LADEE recreation, which uses the structural panels as fairings, and sold rockets/sepatrons for propellant. A rocket like this better resembles the missile-like launch stages of the 60s. (sorry I couldn't get an image of this, but all of the recordings of his rocket on twitch TV were erased from the twitch database.) -I agree with the decision to have players start with manned missions, but unmanned probes should come much earlier. -Rover wheels should also come earlier, I would like to be able to make a Duna rover after doing a Mun landing and return. It's pretty ridiculous that these come an entire tier after NERVAs -Airplane parts should earlier in the tech tree, and also come mostly at once. (except for maybe the better turbojet engine and the advanced intake) Lastly, you should be able to do science in sandbox mode. Even though it wouldn't matter, it would still be cool to see the messages and see how much science you can store up over time.
  9. I'm going to put this thread back on track and instead of arguing over whether or not new players are a good thing... I'm actually going to discuss about Duncan's series. He doesn't even know that there is a whole solar system to explore, he thinks that it is only the Mun that you can land on. I hope he figures it out, otherwise his series will end in the same fashion as markiplier's did. Also, he needs to watch some tutorials since on his episode 2 he did his gravity turn westward into a retrograde orbit
  10. These look really good, I've been working on something similar but I'm having trouble keeping everything at the same height. Also, are you the same Parkaboy who made all of those adventures and stuff on spore?
  11. Granted, but then the non-superior people build a robot that is superior to you. I wish I had a copy of KSP V1.0
  12. Granted, but the GPA system has been changed so that 4.0 = 4/100 I wish it was earlier.
  13. Granted, but I can now only grant turnip-related wishes. I wish for a glass of water. I'm thirsty.
  14. My first manned landing on another planetary body. Sadly Jeb doesn't have enough fuel for the return trip, but I'm sure he won't mind living there until Bill can mount a rescue mission.
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