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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Oh, goodness! It's great to see you guys, here! Ad astra, indeed.
  2. Hey all! I'm trying to create space stations, but I'm having some trouble with the decouplers. I want to keep my station as free of decouplers as possible, but when I add more parts, they decouple away from my ship but stay on the station. Normally, this is great. But is there a way to change the direction they decouple? As in, is there a way to keep it attached to my main ship when I decouple away from the space station?
  3. The Mun's orbital plane matches perfectly with the ecliptic. So it should happen every month somewhere on Kerbin.
  4. 2/10 I know that Avatar but I am not quite sure from where or when. And I'm new, so nobody knows me.
  5. Oh my... I'm sure some of you guys have seen the Curiosity follow up conferences they have every other week or so. I listen through the question and answer section. Those journalists.... It's a very similar situation.
  6. I think the devs are yanking our chains. Hmmm... I'm goint to try and figure out what this is.
  7. Hey, guys. I'm just wondering if anyone has found a fix for the 'cannot enter full capsule' problem. Thanks!
  8. When I successfully landed on the moon for the first time, I jumped up and down in my room and yelled several things that can't be repeated here. Ever since then, I keep a soda next to my computer as a celebratory reward for whenever I complete a particularly tricky mission. I also usually design my munar landers to be a two stage rocket like the Eagle just for the heck of it. I like seeing the debris after of where I was able to land.
  9. Read it on The Scientific Gamer's blog. I installed the demo and then bought the game two hours later.
  10. I'm glad someone created this thread. I wanted to let you guys know that I am so happy you exist. Honestly. I know you guys get a lot of flak here on the forums and, personally, I don't understand it. You listen to us when we make suggestions and politely correct us when we make a mistake. That is very honorable, in my opinion. And the game. Good gravy, the game! I have spent days of my life playing this game and I only got it a month ago! My sleep schedule has gone completely awry and I couldn't be happier! And I am sure .17 and .18 and what ever follows will be awesome! Keep up the good work and for heaven's sake, take all the time you need!
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