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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Woah I haven't commented in a while. Definitely a noob here, I haven't sent a Kerbal beyond Kerbin space.
  2. I think the general consensus is that Jool has the main vote. Only then will we have closure. Keep up the great story telling by the way.
  3. This chapter was incredible. And the music really helps, it coincided with the entire escape pod sequence and you could certainly feel the tension. Keep it up!
  4. It is well known that Jeb can defy the laws of nature when he needs to.
  5. I don't know, I think that a few random failures would add a another layer to the game. I'm talking about slow mono-prop or fuel leaks on your interplanetary vessel, that sort of thing. Things you could repair when more EVA functions are added.
  6. Definitely songs from M38. Like this one: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/m83-conquers-the-silver-screen-in-starwaves-song-premiere-20130306
  7. I'm sure that these SSTV signals will become some important plot point in career mode. I am thinking of them being clues to some hidden ship/technology for travelling to other star systems possibly.
  8. Just a question that is kind of on the subject, could you find a Monolith, in a Crater, on a hill, anywhere on the Mun...?
  9. I have a question. If you travel too close to the sun do you experience heat? I mean, do parts overheat like engines, and is there a minimum distance you can be from the star without exploding? I would like to know this because I only just realised you can select the sun in 0.17, and I would like to venture there and see it in all its fiery glory.
  10. I think some collapsable rovers that could be attached to the side of a lander, like those used in the Apollo Missions would be nice, so you don't have to send a separate mission.
  11. It would be great if unmanned probes were put into the game. Then we wouldn't have to worry about returning the ship from deep space.
  12. I think a good one for launches is Peter Schilling's, Major Tom (Coming home). The video with the best sound I have discovered can be found here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IVp3uqYZZQ, if anyone is interested.
  13. Where would I find a fully animated, fully working solar panel add-on for space-stations, probes, mun bases etc.
  14. ...has just happened. I was on Minmus with Bob, Bill and Jeb, I was climbing down to the Minmus surface and jumped off the ladder to the right and Jeb crumpled to the ground. I pressed 'W' to right him and the screen just went black, and there was a series of 9's where the altitude meter should have been. I went back to the Space Centre, looked in the tracking building and there was Jebediah and the Lander and the rest of the crew, all in escape trajectory of Kerbol. I ended the mission but it seems that the crew is gone. Has any one got some idea of what might have happened?
  15. Wait a minute, in the video at 0:32 seconds there are trees. Is this an add-on or an in-game feature. I have never seen trees.
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