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    An Original Donator
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    Houston, Texas

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  1. I purchased this game on September of 2012, where can I find out if I have the "Early Adopters" bit? also, where do I download my sweet and totally FREE DLC?
  2. here's what I've been able to create. My computer is a little low end, so I try to keep frame-rate up with smaller sized parts-
  3. also, your rockets seen to be a bit too top heavy, I can barely get one into orbit. I cannot control where the rocket goes, even with the high gimbalrange. sorry for being a pest! just being a good test pilot
  4. I'm having trouble with the LK lander parts. (for example, the fuel tanks) I can't get them to attach evenly, is there a .craft file or tutorial on how to build the LK lander?
  5. trying to land on anything other than Kerbal and it's moons are super challenging, if I thrust anything past 75% (tolerable wobble) I spin like Gemini 8, not even mechJeb knows what to do :C I've also had problems with the space "Kraken Jr." eating my service module but not my main landing engines.
  6. I have a feeling... JFK's speech at Rice University was on September 12th, 50 years ago. hmmm... possible .17 release date?
  7. I live here in Houston, Texas. the ISS just flew over my house at the same time the Space Walk was being preformed. I decided to cheer on our astronauts and catch up on my KSP and Orbital Mechanics studies. post your funny spacewalk pictures, pictures related to the International Space Station, or other related things! <a href=" " title="301108_4591952276141_51288411_n by JohnWayneProps, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8309/7937512584_6701de83c7.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="301108_4591952276141_51288411_n"></a>
  8. maybe I'm not doing this right, but the shuttle keeps flipping over and splashing into the ground
  9. could it be possible to tour the inside or your space station in first person?
  10. me and a group of friends are heading down to the Johnson Space Center here in Houston. it\'s going to be a historically awesome event!
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