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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yes, I\'ve done the same to mine, actually a while ago, it\'s how i land all my Big Trak\'s now. Using a sky crane! all you really need is the piece on top. I can\'t remember which pack it\'s from but the manufacturer, is Jebediah Kerman\'s Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co
  2. I figured out what was wrong, i had a solar panel that was intersecting with the cart a little bit. Once i lowered the solar panel a bit so it wasn\'t intersecting, it works perfectly. I havent had any more problems edit- When the wheels did creep down the center of mass was off, i decoupled my sections, and the smaller section began swinging with the wheels leading the swing and the wheels were bouncing up and down with the swing to about 40 or so feet in front of the craft-I\'ll try and get some pictures later if you need them
  3. Is anyone else getting a problem where the wheels slowly creep down your craft as your launching then really screw up the physics, it\'s like the weight of the vehicle is where the wheels are?
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