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Everything posted by vegany

  1. better still try http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25013-Compilation-of-modding-information-links-0-19
  2. I can help with the animation if you want just pm me
  3. my tutorial still works but you need a bit of exp with unity (or follow Tiberion posts to get the animation working)
  4. u need a empty game object in unity called dockingNode, and add referenceAttachNode = dockingNode in cfg made 1 and it works so happy docking edit: dockingNode is where it will dock (duhh<me)
  5. you need referenceAttachNode = dockingNode in cfg tested it VY
  6. Sooooo 0.17 part tools or will 0.16 do?
  7. thanks for the pics, love the cart going to download now.
  8. after a request i decided to post my rotating dish hear hope u like. curently its a ASAS module. dowload from http://www.kerbal.net/mod.php?id=27
  9. i posted a thread about geting animations to play in game see (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/17514-Animated-Lander-Leg-tutorial) for a tutorial and vid, shuld be the same for landing gear, hope it helps your stuf looks good
  10. for anmation check my posts http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/17514-Animated-Lander-Leg-tutorial
  11. just to note most of the parts in my vid i made using wings 3D a easy to use modeling program that exports to .obj files i then import to blender and do the pivot points names ect...
  12. ok vids uploading check top for link (edit) ahh 40 min upload time, time to play KSP
  13. hmm never used screen capture culd use some tips tried but CamStudio allways makes my vids wonky
  14. wow 100 views and no comment was it something i said. lol meant to edit original post
  15. try perenting the panels so thay perent in a line so 1 to 2 to 3 to 4.... and so on. I did it with a animated leg.
  16. just follow hatch tutorial by DYJ but replace tag-Airlock with tag-Ladder done it myself and now have a working command pod and dont forget to add Part Triggers to layer 21 shuld work and(again?) hatch needs to be same hight or bigger than a kerbal and not inside a collision mesh
  17. here goes my first tutorial accompanying Vid on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZM1K7Y_eHgU&feature=plcp (you will need both) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZM1K7Y_eHgU&feature=plcp make shure you have blender and unity (think it works in maya to) for this tutorial, A VERY BASIC ANIMATED LANDER LEG Step 1 CUBE. (using blender X,Z,Y) in Blender go add - mesh - cube (make sure its x y z are 0 0 0)set Dimensions to X,1 Y,1 Z,5 go in to edit mode and move the cube Up untill the top face is above the pivot point,(shuld be Z,2.5) and along the Y axis (shuld be Y,-0.5) you can use Translate - vector Ctrl-A Apply LOC-ROT-SCALE. Step 2 ANIMATING. (make shure you only have 50 frames for this tutorial IF your folowing to the letter) in Object mode insert keyframe Loc-Rot-Scale (skroll down Object Tools to keyframe and click insert) to frame 0, go to frame 50 on the timeline, rotate cube alond the X axis 150 degrees Insert keyframe Loc-Rot-Scale again (frame 50) TEST ANIMATION ie play, you want 24 frames a sec. Export as .FBX to where ever you want. Step 3 UNITY IMPORT. (using unity x,y,z now) Start a new project in unity and go assets-import package-costom package... direct to Parttools 0.16, go assets-import new asset... direct to .FBX file you made in blender select your leg in the Projects window and in the inspector Mesh set scale factor 1 in animations tick the Split Animation box and add a animation Split named Retract (Thanks Tiberion) start 1 end 50 wrap defalt loop NO, Step 4 SET UP NODE COLLIDER AND MAKE READY FOR .MU EXPORT. (make shure you dont have the blender camara/light if you do delete it from the Hierachy tab-leg) Drag leg to Hierachy window click apply and double click leg in the Hierachy tab disable play automatically in Animation tab, copy Cube rename the copy >node collider< (no ><) remove render and add component-physics-mesh collider make mesh convex and drag over cube to perent it, (if you dont perent it dosent move with the animation). Go Gameobject-Create empty and drag leg over the emty gameobject to perent (make shure the gameobject is on X,0 Y,0 Z,0 befor perenting). Go Component-KSP-part tools, with gameobject selected in Hierachy tab. in Part Tools (Script) set file path like this >C:/blah/KSP/Parts/Myfirstanimatedlanderleg/< needs the (/) on the end or u get a .mu file called Myfirstanimatedlanderlegmodel.mu in (C:/blah/). tick boxes for >Copy textures< and >Convert Textures< (for tutorial i just added a random texture to leg) click Write (not write all) you now have a .mu file with an animated leg. now the .cfg, for this test just put the LandingLeg1-2 part.cfg in your legs file open with notepad and change animationName = newlandingleg to animationName = Retract(Thanks Tiberion) and under >General Parameters< change >name = [leg name]< define node_attach like this >= 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0< Launch KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM :operation MUN TOUCHDOWN dedicated to the kerbal who died during testing & development RIP Melny Kerman (ran into a wall in exsitement) (i used a clean ksp copy IE nothig but my leg and a command pod i made) Thats all folks (NOT AMERICAN IM KENGLISH) Thanks for reading VEGANY (cant re post without my consent thanks)
  18. so after staying up till 7 in the morn i got a animation to play when pressing the G button not bad for 4 days using Unity and Blender for the first time, tutorial an its way. V
  19. enny one know how to make animated legs pls make a tutorial for us noobs Thanks V
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