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Everything posted by APZX

  1. Let me introduce myself with my story of how the Kerbal Space Program is doing. They called their program the 'Omega Project'. Under this program various engineer's tried their best to beat the planet's gravity. Only two of the ten rockets were considered successful. It all started with Omega I. A simple design which was more or less a proof of concept. While it seemed quite capable of flying the proof quickly came to light. It didn't fly too well. They then moved to a larger design after figuring out what went wrong with Omega I. Enter Omega II. Considered a success, but only reached a maximum velocity of 1486 m/s. After this, it was thought that the design could be improved and thus Omega III was created. It proved to be just as effective as Omega II. Not what they were hoping for. In response to this Omega IV was created. It turned out that is rocket was a failure. It just didn't work out. However, the crew survived. Though they did continue on this line of thinking and Omega V came to be. It too proved to be a failure. They thought something was wrong with this design on the whole. Yet they took it one step further for Omega VI. This rocket turned out to be their most successful design to date. Unsurpassed as one might say. It achieved a maximum speed of 2954 m/s, but they found out that the liquid engines they used had a tendency to cause the rocket to . . ., rock back and forth. However, instead of trying to correct that issue they poured resources into creating an entirely new design . . ., Omega VII. It failed to come close to Omega VI's success. But the engineers were quite sure they could out do Omega VI and the result was over designing Omega VII into Omega VIII. Omega VIII came very close to reaching Omega VI, but didn't quite do it. It was at this point that the head honchos of KSP poured resources into a much more powerful design, Omega IX. However, shortly after launch it was discovered this design was exceedingly dangerous. That fateful afternoon is known only as 'Failure to Launch'. However, that didn't stop KSP from exploring even further into the notion of incredibly powerful rocket designs. Omega X In a word, failure. It was also with this rocket that KSP decided to end the 'Omega Project'. It was at this point that KSP realized their engineer's were stupid and hired a brand new staff of engineers to come up with a completely new design. The engineers called the rocket, Mki. While a decent design it failed to surpass Omega VI, and the team was subsequently fired and replaced. It was this next team that created the KSP's greatest rocket yet, Bashton I. The rocket was not designed with the intention to enter orbit. It was designed to show that gravity could indeed be beaten. Bashton I achieved a successful launch with a final speed of 4409 m/s. The KSP was very happy with the results. The team of engineers is currently working on Bashton II with the intention of entering orbit and then coming back.
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