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Everything posted by bargest

  1. Well, it's isn fully dummy talk, but i chatted with friends about speed limits in space one tells that you can accelerate untill you reach speed of light(if you have infinite fuel without mass) second one talks about newton laws and so on, i understand that he meaned that after you go to speed of specific impulse you cant accelerate further(he probably forgot about that rockets on orbit fly on speed far exeeding speed of their isp) well, both suggestions wrong and right in some ways, but i think its wery dumb disscussion for people who really know physics
  2. i redesigned docking system, now it works http://i.imgur.com/g9SLlFI.png bad align was my problem
  3. i tried it on mun but i didn't got any magnitism i think they dont well aligned too, but in space, i getting magnetism with very inaccurate positions, and mun is almost like a space ps. think i must refuse that docking type and try another
  4. Temstar, no "Acquire" words in persistent file and it isnt constuction problem i uploading video, hope it will help upd. sorry for bad quality
  5. see screenshot, nothing to explain http://i.imgur.com/kVqAsKp.jpg they perfectly aligned, but still can't grab each others
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