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  1. With our fun new research option now available I cant help but think of new toys to play with.... Kerbinipigs: "Kept by many young kerbals as pets, scientists think observing their scampering may help us understand the long-term effects of space travel on life forms." Due to their fast reproduction guineapig's and rats are often thought of as an part of scientific research, so it makes sense that kerbals might have their own variety to study. Could take a much longer time to study than goop does, but when combined could increase the scientific yield of a flight once unlocked through the research tree. Bacterial Sample: "When scientists discovered an new type of fungus growing on Jebediah's Gym shoes they decided what better way to study its growth than by blasting it into space!" When a long trip in space is planned why not take some long-term research to make things more interesting. Just make sure not to let it grow too much or it might achieve sentience...
  2. A while back I was actually trying to design spaceships at one stage that had no purpose other than dropping small lampposts on the Mun to place in-between my "Research" pods. The ability to drop them using my kerbals was something I was wishing for back then, and I'd still love now!
  3. I've always wanted mountable video cameras to put on my craft so I can see the view form a probe/rovers perspective, I think the ability to do still photographs with them or using my kerbalnauts would make for an awesome feature! =)
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