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Everything posted by Nymus

  1. Anyone else here play Tribes? Just started playing, and oh my god, why didn't I discover this game sooner!?
  2. Does anyone know where I can find the engines that use the PowerTech or Electrified Energy mods?
  3. Ah, good. Which mods have folding solar panels, then?
  4. Where do I find those folded panels? I've been looking in the video description, but all of the mods listed there, I can't find ANY solar panel like that. Please reply quick, I'm DYING to build my own space station!
  5. I have a question for you bronies. You claim you watch this show because it shows the values of friendship or some crap. What I'm wondering is that why not just watch an adult show that embodies the same values? Shows like How I Met Your Mother, Scrubs, hell even Adventure Time emphasize the strength of friendship. So why MLP? Why colourful ponies when there are much better options out there? What exactly makes a grown man find something like this appealing? That's what i've never understood. Someone please help. This isn't trolling, I'm genuinely interested.
  6. I had to use the big tower stabilizer things to be able to keep it from falling over. The first design was actually 4 wing structures and was intended to see how badly I can break the laws of aerodynamics. The back wing closest to the launchpad tower kept breaking, even though it didn't touch the tower (I pulled the command pod up so far that it wouldn't be anywhere near it.) The gravitsapa provided a nice levitation boost though, enough for me to be able to fly away from the basic area of the KSC (even if it was at the pace of a snail with a hangover.)
  7. Someone I have little knowledge about, besides the fact that they like potatoes.
  8. [Removed reaction image.] "Section 3: Spam: A user shall not: Post reaction images alone."
  9. Maybe a Kerbal visited that gas planet, farted, then it became green?
  10. Xenolution Labs and Hops and Oats Brewery Unlimited has produced a breakthrough in technology! Introducing the Xenolution Mk.1 Kerbin Orbital Spacegate! http://i.imgur.com/4Jf6Z.jpg Using only the finest duct tape, wires we found in a dumpster, and some glowy lights from a nearby nightclub, we have designed the first, and the only space gate! Using some sort of magical science known as worm hole theory, we can teleport a spacecraft from one side of the Kerniverse to the other! This thing was an absolute pain to get into orbit. I had to use the Gravitsapa mod part to even achieve lift off, and then I had a very weak thrust. Once I got into 0 atmosphere, I started to tilt, slowly gaining apoapsis and periapsis. The map informed me of a big problem - it was flying off into Kerbol orbit - so I had to use the vertical speed kill with the Gravitsapa, and with that, I forged an excellent orbit. My challenge to you, Kerbal Space Program forums... ... is to film / make a picture, of you, not only managing to fly this leviathan into orbit, but also flying a ship through it! (Nothing will happen, but it would be a huge achievement.) Mods required: Gravitsapa part. That's all. God speed, kerbonauts. And good luck. You're gonna need it.
  11. Herro Kerbal Space Forums, I require your help with writing a story. I've got a few ? for you guys. 1: What kind of qualifications do you need to become an astronaut/cosmonaut/taikonaut/kerbonaut? 2: Are all of the kerbonauts part of the Kerman family, or are there Kermstrongs, Kermon, Ker-somethings in training/flying rockets into Kerbin? 3: How well are multi-part stories taken here on KSPF? Are they seen as spam, or as ingenious? Thank ye for ye time!
  12. I actually hate anime (except Lucky Star and Renzo Maiden), I got the name idea from this: An ascent stage... hmm... so it could re-enter a geostationary orbit, then launch itself when it comes near the space base?
  13. To Hannukah and beyond! Nice design!
  14. Heyo KSP Forums, I've recently came up with the design for a pod which uses the apoapsis to slingshot itself to another location on Kerbin. http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/222/4/5/mark_1_desu_moe_orbital_slingshot_lander___3_by_arcoolka-d5al21s.png I've managed to land it quite a ways away from the Spacebase. http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/222/2/7/mark_1_desu_moe_orbital_slingshot_lander_by_arcoolka-d5al08u.png I was surprised when the capsule landed, because on the last test, the parachute deployed, then disappeared 30 seconds later! This design uses radial mount parachutes instead. http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/222/8/6/mark_1_desu_moe_orbital_slingshot_lander___2_by_arcoolka-d5al0ed.png I'm looking for tips to improve on the design. I want to be able to fly to the North and South poles. There is an SAS, but in the landing picture, it fell off (for some reason). Any suggestions, my Aeronautic Engineers Accomplices?
  15. Nymus


    Hello, my fellow Kerbonauts, Astronauts, Cosmonauts, and Dreadnoughts! Despite not even being able to make a ship able to make it out of orbit, I absolutely LOVE this game, and I have decided to sign up to the forums as a result! I hope to write some good fanfics and maybe actually FINALLY make it to deep spaaaaaaaaaaace!
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