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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I just want to say this is hands down my favorite mod in all of KSP I just want it integrated into the full version
  2. @porry More like Technic Lite for KSP, I'm not trying to get too crazy with mods here I will have to test Kethane out, I heard good things but never tested it out. I also hear it messes with MapSat so I'm hesitant
  3. i was going to ask after i had a list down or see how popular of an idea this was.
  4. So I am going to assemble a ModPack of some of the most useful/popular mods. While it's mainly going to be based on my bias, I am asking for the communities help in picking some of the best mods out there. So here is my list of most definitely going in the pack: 1 Kerbal Attachment System 2 ISA MapSat 3 Vanguard Technologies EVA Parachutes 4 B9 Aerospace Pack 5 Firespitter 6 Airships to Other Planets 7 8 9 10 I was thinking of adding four (4) more mods, and thats where I need help picking them out. Post your suggestions below please!
  5. Multiplayer... ...but because we can't have nice things, here are some other ideas: MapSat implemented - to find EEggs and nice landing spots, maybe mod it to allow for marking locations as targets KAS implemented - skycranes, tethered EVA's and salvaging parts and tugging derelict vessels would be really nice to play with Hooligan's Airships limited implemented - making a weather balloon, having an airship float above the surface of Duna FireSpitter Parts limited implemented - fans props and rotors for better control and no oxygen for jets to breath, Kerbal Parachutes - so that if we bail in atmo we can reach the ground safely Jerry Cans and Fuel Hoses - salvaging fuel from destroyed ships' tanks and refueling our own
  6. Emulate the Shagohod from Metal Gear Solid 3. Build a land vehicle that reaches 300MPH (about 117m/s) over land, launches a guided missile that hits the Dirt Runway, then have the vehicle reach a stop safely and return to the start point. Order of success: Complete challenge Mission time (start to return) Missile accuracy (closest to tower)
  7. Name of Utility: LiteWait MunStosity Mk2 Screenshot: Total Mass of Utility: 5.24 ton wet (no crew) Part Count: 37 Features: Remote operation; Seats 4; Light in Weight; 2 Docking Ports (1 Jr [bottom], 1 normal [top]); Landing Lights; Long Battery for Dark Ops; Compact Summery: The LiteWait MunStosity Mk2 (LWMS) is the latest in minimalistic landers from 25inc Astrophysics and Lawn Dart Technologies (ALDT), a subsidiary of 25inc. The LWMS Mk1 was originally designed as an escape pod for space stations and family picnics. The original was single use as it had no way of refueling to a fuel station, whether orbiting or stationary; thus the addition of the normal and junior size docking ports were added for convenience. This modification resulted in Mk2 model while sacrificing the pesky safety parachute.The Mk2 also sports and addition pair of rocket and RCS thrusters to add extra performance on descent and ascent, not to mention racing your friends who are most likely flying lesser imitations. This model also sports the KerbKady remote valet package that allows you to call for your landers wherever you are. Utility's .CRAFT file: http://www./?csb7b6oa75a5bjm Your Name: SilkyZ of 25inc
  8. First one of these posts. Ship Name: FuelOfMun mk1 Pics (or it didn't happen): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=153546586 Parts: 30 Weight: 31.7 Craft: http://www./view/ha8f14i6365us1o/FuelOfMun_Mk1.craft Landing Gear is a bit shallow due to the Nukes, so just be careful on decent
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