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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. I love it! ...please have a pc version!
  2. Eh... my big lifter designs would fail if that changed, as sometimes I might launch it wrong. If this was the way it was implemented, I would have to revert to VAB, then Launch.
  3. Ha. Yeah, ordinary 12-yo probably wouldn't do it. I started orbiter when I was...like...9 or 10. Played ksp around 11.5? I initally sucked... a lot... just like in orbiter. Then, tutorials about PHYSICS! came in, and I now love KSP to death. I'm not very good at math either. It's not a about age. It's about maturity. You can have a 20 Year old act like a two year old and vice versa.
  4. I've landed everwyhere except eeloo and pol. Well, that's if you count my uh.. "good landing" not a "Great landing" on dres
  5. I don't think its that. If he begins a spin, it means hes running the engine, and the engine has an alternator.
  6. IR joints are way too weak for anything heavy.
  7. He's in orbit. Whack a kerbal is very hard to use in orbit due to the speed.
  8. Someone already did that, on like a 10 ton ssto. Anyway. A grand tour- in one launch- and no refuling- no kethane.
  9. Of course I did. But I live in a small town so it usually is easy to see the stars... but damn, that moon was bright!
  10. Yeah. Mission reports and live from mission control really don't get nearly as much views as GD. My KSP videos used to be a lot more popular when they were in GD
  11. That just means it's an unread thread.
  12. The weight will help for tipping. As for the boom, try editing the "joints" to be heavier. I.E the rotarons and stuff. Apparently a heavier docking port is a stronger docking port (as long as it weighs more than whats its connected to), so it might work here.
  13. I've made one of these before with LLL. It could lift anything but itself.. it was heavy!
  14. Uh What do you mean Nope. Kerbal followers. Still works.
  15. After my old carnival ( ) I decided to make a new one. Enjoy!
  16. Inspired by marcez amazing VTOLS, I set out to create a simple, easy to control, VTOL. It is capable of taking off Vertically or Horizontally, and flys very stable. Download: (REQUIRED MODS: LLL) https://www.dropbox.com/s/lz8duee65zeoq0p/WASP%20VTOL.craft Backup download: https://mega.co.nz/#!G9IlVZRZ!xg2mMwuMBjWEf7to2ZR4wiHTcO8wP-XqbMjqrDFe_yo Flying notes: 1 for VTOL engine 2 for Forward engine. Do not engage forward engine during precise VTOLS! It may want to go down a bit. Remember, this is a plane. If you tilt down in VTOL mode, your speed will increaase and you will go down. Pitching up will decrease your speed but lift you up due to lift.
  17. Yes! Excelent idea! It would especially help due to the fact that we have *only* 10 action groups
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