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Posts posted by alfman112

  1. Hello there fellow Kerbal Space Forumists,

    For lack of a better place to post this, here's this post.

    Basically Disney has 3 remixes of their old show from the 50's that Walt Disney had about Space. I have yet to watch the old show, but these remixes are cool because they show how Disney portrayed space travel

    Rockets!: Disney's Man in Space Remix

    Disney's Mars and Beyond Remix

    Disney's Man and the Moon Remix

    Hopefully you enjoy these, For I think they are pretty cool and deserve a lot more views then they have. :)

  2. :confused:

    <a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h417/Alfman112/get-attachment.jpg' alt='get-attachment.jpg'>

    Hand painted by me at the local paint your own pottery place. Saw the mug, And it had to be done.

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