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Posts posted by djnekkid

  1. [quote name='zitronen']No libraries needs, which version of the Arduino code are you using? You need version 13.


    Oh, I did not realize there were a version 13, as version 12 were in the OP :D
    I guess i need to backtrack somewhat :D

    edit: Happy to confirm that with v13 works :D (LEDS)

    edit2: Well, not so happy to confirm that it works with v13, but just for a few seconds... i.e. i launch a craft with sas enabled, and then i 'spam' the 'r' (rcs) key, and after a few seconds, the LED stops turning on and off :/

    even just standing on the launch pad, and the boards _seems_ to stop getting data, as the Rx light stops blinking...
  2. can anyone with win10 confirm that this disablehandshake work?

    I "just" started my project, and tried to connect my arduino (to a usb3 port, should not matter right?), uploaded the "KSPIOdemo12", connected a LED to pin 11 (SASLED) and a button to pin 8 (SASPIN).

    changed the mentioned disablehandshake to 1, and set the comport to COM3 (as indicated in the arduino IDE(1.6.6)).

    Started KSP (1.0.5), loaded a default ship on the runway, and neither "T" on the keyboard or the button on the arduino made the LED turn on.

    Just to doublecheck my LED and button i loaded up a "LED"-program to the arduino (after quitting KSP), and _it_ worked as intended.

    Thanx in advance :D

    Edit: Arduino Mega 2560

    Edit2: The LED (connected to pin 11 and 13) flashes occationally when when im the the VAB/Hangar :D

    Edit3: Its also version 0.17.6 of this plugin, and when loading the craft to the runway, it _DOES_ say "initiated connection to com3" or somthing like that :D
  3. hello all :D

    I'm trying to make a "from the kerbin to the mun"-sort of script, and while the takeoff _will_ probably create some problems, I started on the part where I've just entered the MUN SOI, and esablish a low mun orbit.

    Currently my script just point retrograde and fire until it have a suitable periapsis, timewarp until its at that periapsis, and then fire until it got a suitable apoapsis.

    However, I want my initial pointing to be at 0 pitch (the horizon), and with whatever compass direction im currently heading. This is to make sure that if I come into the muns SOI in either direction, and even with an inclination, the rocket points in a 'better' vector then just retrograde, you know, efficiency and stuffs :D

    If that made any sense at all.

    I tried:


    Where my assumtion were that it would set the steering to <whatever pitch * 0> (=0), <whatever diredtion * 1> (i.e. that direction), <whatever roll * 1> (the roll it already has)

    Tips and/or tricks anyone? :D

  4. Im at work now, so I cant post any pics, but building a SSTO were the first thing i did yesterday. Well, the only thing TBH ... Came home from work rather late (8pm ish).

    The builds are about the same, but the flying is slightly different then before.

    Sort of looked kinda like a Skylon, just with the engines close to the body, and not on the wingtips.

    From front to back I had:

    The 2man aerodynamic cockpit

    Long tank of LFO

    Short tank of LF

    Long tank of LFO

    mk2 to 1m adapter

    Nosecone just to look pretty

    I then sidemounted a precooler, with a ram intake in front, and rapiers in the back (with symmetry obviously)

    Some wings on the side, and some canards in the front, along with a tailfin. (I think the wings actually were the "big" og "huge tailfin" thingy)

    It had plenti if fuel left when it were in a 80x80ish orbit. Could probably attach a cargobay and it could bring some sattelite, or something like that.

    The return I had to do a few times, to get the hang of the deathzone, but retroburning roughly 90-100 degrees behind KSC did the trick. Aimed between "the island" and "the next continent", and I came in about at the mountains. A short jet-buring later, and i had landed.

    The first couple if times i burned up, but keeping a roughly 20deg pitch up, along with the 4 aerobrakes i had attached did the trick. It seems it needs to sheed of enough velocity to be at about 8 or 900m/s at 20km altitude. Then everything seems fine.

    Switching to fine controls when landing seemd to be a must, as the normal ones tended to overshoot what i intended.

  5. Roughly 2 years ago I posted this video in this thread:

    Now, two years later we have all kinds of 'easy mode' engines, aka the Rapier engine.

    I decided to make this craft a 2014-replica of the original. I do have video captured, but atm no time to make somthing usefull out of it.

    Took some screencaps, and added them to a imgur gallery.

    I call the craft, USS Kenterprise

    Here they are :D

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  6. Right now, the converters convert enough resources to keep up with 8 Kerbals. They also operate at 90% efficiency. The 90% efficiency means that you can effectively multiple the time left for oxygen and water by 10x.

    The math behind that is: I forget what the sequence is called, but you start with:
    which is equivalent to 1/(1-x). Then substitute the efficiency, 90% or 0.9, for x. So 1/(1-0.9) = 1/0.1 = 10. Also look at

    The converters will keep running when the Waste storage fills up, but they will stop if the Oxygen or Water ("good" resource) storage fills up.

    Then it seemed like my .cfg-readings were correct :D

    And yes, it seems like you effectivly can multiply it by 9 or 10... Atleast thats what my planner spreadsheet is telling me :P

    After 37 cycles, my 32 units of o2/water gives me a total of 310 units.

    Too bad they cant recycle food, but that would be kind of ****ty, wound'nt it ? :huh:

  7. Hey TaranisElsu!

    I'm currently planning a set of Duna missions, and I'm wondering if there are a good set of documentation, like a spreadsheet, on how much resourses the different converters convert, and their efficiency and stuffs. I'm trying to look at the .cfg's, but it _seems_ like the 'medium' and 'large' convert at the same rate?

    It seems like it takes 8 Co2 (enough to 'convert' the breath of 8 green friends?) and makes 8*0.9 units of o2 and 8*2.218 units of 'waste' per day ... but is that a kerbal day (6hrs) or a Tellus day (24hrs) ?

    If there arent enough 'waste' space, does the converter stop, or does it just put the waste out the vent? :P

  8. I've actually 'just' found this thread. Where 'just' is yesterday evening.

    Made a new KSP folder, entered in a few proper mods, and started to design a couple of things I wanted to send, when I realized that I needed to use the SAME lanuch system on each launch. I was thinking that if I launched 'x tons' the first launch, then I would be able to launch 'y tons' on the next one, and started to make a spreadsheet and plan out the launched to hit the different windows.

    Then, I just realized that I need to use the same launch system on everything, and then it all failed, as one module (to LKO) were 42 tons, a 2nd one were 32tons etc.

    It were rather easy to trim down things to 30tons, as it seems to my calculatios to be the sweetspot, so one can do 2 launches before the 1st window open, and then 4 each window. However, this made for some ugly rockets without farings and stuffs... So that is a problem as well. I guess I just need to rethink my entire stratigy, and do it abit different.

    Anyhow. It is based on the 'Mars Direct' suggested by Robert Zubrin in the early 90s.

    I guess I need to install some more mods, so I can tailorfit even more. I.e. a slightly shorter or longer fueltank, and similar. I know i can use the tweakables to have less fuel in a tank, but the dry weight remain the same...

  9. Hello Everyone!

    Are there anyone who wanna 'guess' where the GOCE sattelite will land?

    Currently it is on a 160km/100mile altitude, and according to the media, its PE will be at 80km/55ish miles sometime tonight.

    Where are the 15m^2 footprint of the sattelite fallout gonna be? :D

    My predictions are indian ocean, russia, the atlantic or over canada :D

  10. I upped the heat values for the mediums since unlike the smalls they were never heating up. I need to check if its too high though, but I'm delaying doing it because I need to write a custom plugin to check the part's heat. ._.

    I can provide you with my (air).craft if you want me to. At launch it's ok until its taken off and climbed abit, and then I need to throttle back to roughly 85%. Then at roughly 22-25km altitude I go into rocket mode to get into the final orbit. I guesstimate its overheat-bar is at roughly 80%, but it when it goes to rocketmode, it VERY FAST overheats and explodes.

    The ship is basicly a S2 cockpit with fueltanks, a cargobay, deltawing designed, and with a single M sized at the back.

  11. Hi Squad Devs or others who might be able to awnser me, so i'll make a short and long version

    Long version:

    When making different airplanes, both stock and especially with the fabulous B9 pack, I run into the problem with the landing gear beeing to small, thu resulting in lots of <strike>fun</strike> crashes on both takeoffs and landings. And I have not managed to find some 'proper' addons with bigger and functional landingear. There are some in the firespitter pack, but they dont seem to work too well with heavy planes.

    However, it is quite easy to duplicate the stock landing gear, and then resizeing it. For my own personal use I've made a few bigger ones, with 25% increment in size

    I would like to release theese landing gear, but I'm not sure if im allowed to do so, without breaking any kind of EULA or copyright.

    Short version:

    Can I, and if so; with what licence, release a .zip with theese added/modified landing gears.

    Cheers, DJ Nekkid

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