Name: Powersite Alpha (see more here: ) Total mass: 6.37 units - 75 parts Craft file: My name: Ed McBeardy (again, as in Scottish "Muuuuuuuuuk". Dammit! Back in your pokeball you giant smear!) Whilst developing the Munar Bus I realised that the thing wouldn't live forever (and because I like to challenge myself) neither would anything else without a power station! Soooo in came something pretty! I thought I'd take some inspiration from our current solar technology and develop (as close to) a circular solar facility! It has more than enough solar panels and generators to stay 100% charged 24/7, and a little longer too. It has a really useful design of incorporating some motors onto it too so it means that you don't smash into the floor! Although in testing, I did find that it can survive ~20m/s crash with only the loss of 2 legs. It has a max 42 second burn at surface ISP with the motors, but in space it's well over a minute plus so you've got an age to land the thing safely. Oh! And if you want to add more, they can be arranged in giant octagons so that you get the max space and bang per meter! It even has lights! So you never lose where you need to go (unless a mountain is in the way then X-ray vision activate!). Added the entire communication system too so KSC can hear their incessant nagging about Bill eating all the snacks..... Well there you go! Have fun Harv, and anyone else who wants to silence those nagging power problems!