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Darth Chalupa

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Everything posted by Darth Chalupa

  1. Excellent build. While I usually enjoy using mods and experimenting with new pieces, I very much enjoyed this build. Using nothing but stock parts, this craft has the ability to; launch, reach the Mun, land (quite gracefully) on the Mun, and return to Kerbin safely. It flies very smoothly (like the biggest, ugliest luxury car in existence), with very little assistance from the SAS. Maneuvered quiet easily to achieve both orbit and lunar approach. Easily had enough fuel to land on the Mun, and return to Kerbin with even the sloppiest of flight plans. Kudos to this design. I will incorporate elements from this design into some of my future space craft. I may dabble in using your existing delivery system to put some satellites and stations into orbit, or even a base on the moon (prolly with some slight variations to move heavier payloads).
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