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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Is this benificial to still use in 0.17? Or have the devs already updated and optimized the game beyond this fix.
  2. Those secret pictures that we've been getting from Nova, are those secret updates that weren't announced yet from 0.17? Or is it more of a guessing game as to what the pictures are of?
  3. It would be great that at a certain amount of rep, we can get unlocks for the forums, like for example bigger avatars, different color username titles, custom writing underneath your username and so on.
  4. I've never faced the Kraken, is it possible to get the Kraken with default parts?
  5. Cthulhu reference? that's pretty random... Why should there be one?
  6. Thanks for the info guys! I'm most excited for the internal views! I hope we can get a first person view from their helmets so we can go on exploring other planets in first person, this would be more of an immersive gameplay experience, walking around looking for your landing site and trying to find your rockets again. This would be amazing because you now have to know precisely where you're landing, and you can't just land anywhere you want any more on the Mun. You have to land where you set up base! I really think it would be for the best of the game if they take away the orbital view when you're landed and added a third person (close view) or made it first. We'll see in 0.17!
  7. I'm new to the game and forums at update 0.16. How often do we get game updates usually? I'm really excited for 0.17!
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