I love the KSP modding community and have the utmost respect towards those modders who not only put tons of hours into making the game better, but also share their creations with the world. I can also understand, how some might feel that they deserve some sort of compensation for their effort, after all.. why should someone benefit from the labors of their work for free? I do not necessarily agree, but I can understand. What I do not like, nor support, is 3rd parties pushing, nudging communities towards a paid model, just so they can skim their 15-20% off all the sales, because that is about the only reason Steam is pushing for the whole workshop thing. A freaky disgusting way of monetizing off of other people's work. With that said, I will likely never pay for any but the most serious of mods and frankly speaking, KSP has maybe a handful out of the hundreds that I would even consider paying for. Main reasons: - Quality, which I do not get to judge as long as I get it for free, but will look at with a critical eye the moment someone asks money for it - Necessity, lots of stuff I use I do because I can, not necessarily because I need it - Longevity, games are made by companies and even then the likelihood of them not getting supported on the long run is quite high. Mods are made by enthusiastic individuals, who can get a new fancy the next week and leave their project in the state it is, not updating it any more. This is especially critical with a game that is changing so much as KSP does. - Principles, because the moment I start giving out money for something someone did for himself, either because he wanted to see if he could or because he wanted that feature himself (as those two are the most common modding drivers), I turn into a charity and I'm definitely not the red cross. At the end of the day though, it all comes down to how much I want something vs the asking price. I will buy it, if I cannot acquire it cheaper, but I will think twice on how much I need it before I do. That and boo steam for even trying. I hope the whole idea crashes and burns, because its bad and evil on many many levels and it brings toxicity into otherwise awesome communities just by its existence.