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  1. I have been working on some kind of habitation module for the pack, but it is still not ready yet. As far as I know it requires adding a ladder and a hatch using PartTools, certainly something I'm going to do.
  2. It's actually my very first attempt to release a mod. There are many incredibly useful Space Station/Deep Space Construction packs (Nova's BACE and kockaspiton's Deep Space Mission Pack to name a few), however I believe, that there is still a possibility to add something new and interesting. This is my creation, a Space Construction Pack centered around Geodomes. MkI Pod inside empty geodome. Empty geodome is probably the most flexible part since pretty much anything with proper size can be put inside. Geodome with barrels full of rocket fuel. This time with yellow stripped barrels with RCS fuel. ZO2 system with delicate blue half spherical tank. EPS batteries. Lightweight nuclear reactor for those long missions. Geosphere made of two empty geodomes. Geosphere with connector, may require some rotating (no shift-rotating needed) to get the best results. Two connected geospheres. ErkleMod-compatible docking clamps. Basic spaceship desing, from the front: docking clamps, empty dome with Mk1 pod, ZO2 system, connector, batteries, nuclear reactor, connector, RCS tank, fuel tank, connector, 2 fuel tanks, connector and yet another fuel tank, this time connected to quadcoupler (2x 2.5m compatible. A little more sophisticated design, or "put as many parts as you can, and watch how it blows", which due to lack of any control surfaces or RCS caused deaths of 3 Kerbals. Dead Kerbal happens. This time from a different perspective, few seconds before touchdown, if splashing hard into the ocean can be called a touchdown. Licensing and credits: BasicPack is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA. ZO2Pack includes Zoxygen and EPS mods, both made by l00, who licensed his work under a CC-BY-NC-SA, too. ClampPack includes ErklesMod 0.5 made by Erkle64 and part of texture borrowed from NovaSilsko's BACE, both licensed by their respective authors with only Attribution condition. Download: Basic Pack -empty, fuel, RCS, quadcoupler and connector included ZO2/EPS Pack -nuclear reactor, battery and ZO2 system with DLLs Zoxygene thread Clamp Pack -just Erkle's mod compatible clamp with experimental 0.5 DLL Erkle's thread NovaSilsko's thread with BACE Construction pack download
  3. First of all, hello to everybody as this is my first post here. With the introduction of new celestial bodies, it became obvious that I have to build bigger and more powerful rockets to get anywhere, so I decided to make required parts by myself. More screenshots Parts So far I have made a 8m high fuel tank, 2m adapter (2.5m to 5m) with built-in fuel tank and quad coupler (5m to 4 x 2.5m). They are not 100% ready to be released, because I have to face a few problems first. My experiance with 3d modelling and texturing is extremly limited so my parts are far from perfect. 1. Any rocket with 5x8 fuel tank has a tendency to spin out of control which caused deaths of many innocent Kerbals. Considering that the 5x8 fuel tank weights 144 it equals 8 stock 2.5m long tanks, I've build a rocket using quadcoupler with 4*4 stock tanks. 4*4 setup works like a dream, it's perfectly stable. What can make 5x8 fuel tank spin like mad? 2. All parts are acting quite wierd midflight. They're sliding on the surface of parts attached below. It's not gamebreaking, but looks awful. Is it possible to do something about that? 3. Last but not least, question about collider-mesh size. Parts with collider-meshes as big as render-meshes cannot be connected with anything else unless allowCollision parameter is set to 1. I believe that doing that is only a mere workaround, not a proper way to do it. Is making collider-meshes a little (0.01 for example) smaller is a way to go? If you have got any other helpful advice, or comments about the whole 5-m parts idea, I'll gladly learn your view.
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