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Posts posted by PigletPG

  1. The Earth's atmosphere is a gas, not a liquid. They are both fluids, yes, but compressibility is a defining characteristic about how they differ.

    You can compress gasses.

    You cannot compress liquids.

    The pressure increases with ocean depth, yes. But not the density.

    If the water density increased, submarines would find it pretty much impossible to maintain neutral buoyancy, for example.

    I know it's off-topic, but you are way wrong sir. It does get more compressed. Under enough pressure, water can turn to ice, even if it's way above freezing point. Hottest ice was at a few billion degrees in the Z machine if I am not mistaken... Which is a real thing.

  2. Only I dunno how to upload craft-file and a picture of it. Can you advice on this?

    I tested it by flying to mun, orbit it, flying to minmus, orbit it, make an escape out of the Kerbin system, went about double the destance of kerbin-kerbol. Only then did I have to switch to lander-engines. I dunno if it can land and take off from anything larger then a moon, but if the planets are closer it should be easily do-able. It has two booster stages, one stage with 6 normal liquid engines, one stage with the big liquid engine and then a lander stage. 3 man capsule and you only have to use the RCS for the first 3 kilometers after take-off. After that it's totally stable and responds very well.

    With the lander engines I managed to make it back home and land safely. Lander engines are the final stage, but I think it's possible to make a stage on top of the lander-stage to be able to escape from any planet propperly. Also I wanted to land on minmus on the way back but sadly it wasn't on a propper alignment and I didn't want to waste fuel and not be able to get Neilin (and his companions) back.

    Any advice on how to post a picture of it and the craft-file? If I have to upload it anywhere can you guys share a link?

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