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  1. I bolted on a couple jet engines during descent of my eve lander and they worked just fine, fired up to 100% efficiency. That should simplify our return trip a bit, land on eve with a space plane then when you want leave again use the jet engines to leave the thicker part of the atmosphere using barely any fuel and then complete the orbital insertion with some regular rockets. It would be a huge space plane to include the engines and fuel to make the trip back home again so maybe a rendezvous with a nuclear powered ship in an eve parking orbit would be most practicle. Anyway, this should open up a few options
  2. bolted a couple on to my eve lander and tested them as i descended them, jet engines work all the way up to 100% efficiency there. So that might be our best bet for a return trip. Fly a space plane to eve, land and then fly up out of the thick atmosphere on jet engines before switching to rockets to orbital insertion. could either then fly back (mighty big space-plane o.O) or rendezvous with a nuclear powered rocket in eve orbit for the trip home. tricky bit will be launching the space plane to eve in the first place though..
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