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Everything posted by ExtraPlanetal

  1. Wow. My little carrier aint got nothing on yours... Also, not nescasary to post the craft file (you can if you want) and I trust you guys enough to let you guys work out your own scores! I will however check them of course
  2. It would be really nice if someone could update this to include how to do IVA views in 0.17
  3. Here's the craft I used for the 416 m/s record Although that craft is a tad bit obselete now. You see, I made some modifications and did another run
  4. Well here is my sorta submission just to show you guys that it is theoretically possible. The reason for sorta is because I just can't seem to figure out how the docking works
  5. The Challenge in this challenge is simple - build something that can classify as a space carrier. For a craft to classify as a carrier it must fit the following criteria: 1 - It must be in space. To fill this criteria the craft must just be able to reach orbit in any way possible 2 - It must be a carrier. The craft must carry smaller craft that can be launched AND retrieved. Now, for competitions sake I have deduced the following scoring system: - You will gain points for the versatility of the craft. 10 points for Kerbin orbit, 20 for Mun orbit, 30 for Minimus orbit and 60 for each planet you can reach from there on (say you go from Kerbin to Duna to Eve, that would be 120 points) - You will gain 10 points for every craft the carrier can carry. - You will gain points if you can prove stock ascent into orbit. This means that if you can prove that your carrier lifted of from the KSC and achieved orbit using stock propulsion and fuel you will have +50 points. Not doing this will mean a -50 point deduction. Please note that mods are not only allowed, but necessary and I would like to encourage them. If you can build a carrier that can carry 10 craft with Ion engines, orbital construction, etc. go ahead! Scoreboard: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -
  6. I present to you the new 0.17 land speed record! 416 m/s!
  7. I know how to do this! Someone! Quickly make a mod that puts the map view on a screen in the cockpit!
  8. One the way back from my 1st ever return trip from Mun I learnt a very valuable lesson... On why there are only 3 in the pod - I had a bit of a feeling something like this might happen, so to prevent a total loss I left the 3rd guy safely on Mun
  9. I have the LOI Mark III http://dl.dropbox.com/u/84620460/LOI%20Mk%20III.7z It includes a guide
  10. Strangely enough it is actually quite stable. The first time I launched it I fully expected it to wobble itself apart during ascent, but 8 flawless launches later it performed flawlessly! I would just like to suggest NOT using timewarp at all with it as that falls outside it's testing parameters.
  11. We here at EAT have had greater than average idea - to share our special, once off, R&D projects for Challenges (the ones in the Challenges forum thread). Currently we are busy with: The TEL challenge (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/22877-Transporter-Erector-Launcher-%28TEL%29-Challenge) The goal of this challenge is to design a TEL vehicle, a mobile launchpad. We have actually had a quite successful venture here and are planning to release the prototype later today. The 0.17 stock land speed record (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/23643-0-17-Stock-Land-Speed-Challenge) As of 2012-10-16 the LSR Mk8, designed by us here at EAT, holds the land speed record in KSP 0.17 The EAT LSR Mk8 can be downloaded from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/84620460/LSR%20Mk8.craft
  12. Welcome to ExtraPlanetal's Aerospace Travel Company! Building badass things since 2012! We here at EAT pride ourselves in building rockets and planes designed to simply work and get you from point A to B with the least amount of pilot effort/skill/intelligence required. Our spacecraft are custom built for anyone who just wants to get somewhere with the least amount of hassle. Since the LOI Mk III we have also begun to include user manuals with all of our designs - meaning we figured out how to fly them so you don't have to! Product List This craft is designed out of only stock parts to get you to any of the other planets we suddenly share space with in laziest way possible - just go up! With it there will be no more unnecessarily complicated ascent adjustments, just let it go up and it will reach interplanetary space in no time! Once there it's long range interplanetary stage can take you wherever you want! Want to go to Jool? No prob! How about Eve? Also no prob! http://dl.dropbox.com/u/84620460/GPIT%20MkV.craft The LOI Mk III is a craft designed to reliably get you to Mun and back, so reliably in fact, one test pilot actually reached Minimus with it! It is also the first of our releases to include an user manual. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/84620460/LOI%20Mk%20III.7z More craft coming soon!
  13. Behold a nice little pic I took of one of Jool's moons
  14. My friend, I have spacewalked on Jool's surfrace [ATTACH=CONFIG]33533[/ATTACH] Nothing surprises me
  15. Wonder if anyone has gotten to yotta yet...
  16. Whats****isthis, umm how does it work? also, I see what you did with your name lol
  17. Greetings fellow South African/Cape Townian, welcome to KSP!
  18. Since I do not understand the concept of using centrifuges and complicated PhysX exploits, I went for a basic and simple idea - use the railgun mod. The railgun projectiles would impact the target craft and they would transfer their momentum to it, propelling it across the universe at incomprehensible speeds... The results however, were abysmal. To test the concept I used the instant orbit mod/hack to get the Relay and the test ship in an orbit around mun, then I proceeded to attempt docking,which took a while. Eventually this happend: [ATTACH=CONFIG]32526[/ATTACH] Then when I finally had it docked I fired 8 railgun projectiles into it, hoping that the force of the impacts would be enough to launch the test craft. Instead this happened [ATTACH=CONFIG]32527[/ATTACH] The explosion in that screenshot was the impact of the railgun projectiles. They did however not have any noteworthy effect except slowing down the relay. I am thinking of retrying this test with the real projectiles and not the training ones hoping that more force might be transferred, but I doubt it will go any differently On the Relay itself (I attached it) - it has a 3 man crew and uses only the railgun mod and DYJ's robotics mod. It has SAS and RCS fuel for orbital manoeuvring and a engine (which needs to be restaged to work). I also think it looks pretty epic. [ATTACH=CONFIG]32529[/ATTACH] The Mass Relay craft file [ATTACH=CONFIG]32528[/ATTACH]
  19. How I'm planning to do this is to put a lot of things in orbit by editing persistence files, docking them one by one and then hoping my PC can handle it (i7, GTX550Ti, 8GB RAM might be able to). It would be tedious and time-consuming, but possible (well at least I think so). If you think this is impossible due to the sheer size I can change the challenge to build one around Minimus?
  20. Well here's my attempt - a total score of -1 258 549 (altitude of 307 781m and indeterminate ground distance of 156 633m). Indeterminate distance because my landing pad was too cluttered. Well, here are the screens: Getting out too soon [ATTACH=CONFIG]32258[/ATTACH] Apoapsis ~ 300k [ATTACH=CONFIG]32259[/ATTACH] Trajectory [ATTACH=CONFIG]32260[/ATTACH] Right before impact [ATTACH=CONFIG]32261[/ATTACH] Flight results [ATTACH=CONFIG]32262[/ATTACH]
  21. Edited original topic to include scoring system. Also - should I retitle this to the Green Bull (epic name Tommygun) Skydive championship?
  22. The new political leaders of the Space Program has a problem. One of their election points was that they would give Kerbin a planetary ring just because it would look cool, but they never got round to doing it. Until now. Due to upcoming elections and a recent wave of protests calling the party leaders "liars", we have decided that we should scrap all ongoing pointless scientific projects (unessential things like meteorological data, interplanetary exploration and such) and devote all resources to construct a planetary ring round our wonderful world, to give the people something nice to look at. The specifications of the ring are yours to design, but it must just be one solid ring and visible from Kerbin. The party also decrees that all options are open when it comes to construction - break the laws of physics if you must! The party is looking forward to your success.
  23. LOL nice one Tommygun. You guys think I should allow mod parts?
  24. The challenge is simple - skydive from the highest altitude and land as close to the centre of the launchpad as possible. The prize will go to the brave fool who hits the ground closest to the centre of the launchpad from the highest altitude. For evidence you need to supply a screenshot showing the kerman getting out of the craft and a 2nd one showing where he landed with the Flight results open. The lifter rocket may use any parts as long as they do not affect a falling kerman. The scoring system will work as following. You would gain 1 point for each metre of altitude. You would then lose 10 points for each metre away from the launch pad. This will be determined either by using a marker (other ship on or right next to launchpad) or if there is no marker, the ground distance covered will be used. Markers give a more accurate measurement of the distance away from the launchpad (say you orbit and land on the launchpad - your ground distance covered would be horrible), but lacking a marker I would be forced to use "indeterminate distance" or ground distance covered (which is bad, look at my score ). I am looking forward to your participation! Competition host's best - score of -1 258 549 (altitude of 307 781m and indeterminate ground distance of 156 633m) Leaderboards: 1 - Tommygun - score of 8 413 (max altitude of 13 639m and indeterminate distance of 514) P.S the death toll resulting from this challenge will go towards the parachutes for kermans initiative, which aims to do just that.
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