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Everything posted by Michael3213212

  1. Hey there everyone one, hope your enjoying your day. Just wanted to say hi! Now i have been playing KSP for around a week or two and i remember my first launch, time for liftoff was approaching, tensions were high! Ok, ok sure ill admit it, i did say "Ready for launch 5, 4, 3, 2, Main engine launch.. Lift off!" on the first launch. The thing I love about KSP is that you never know whats going to happen. The first orbit i pulled off was an experience and a half, and the best part is that KSP will make you feel that way unlike most other games, it has a unique feeling to it. So where am i now since that first launch? Trying to get to mun of course! i have tried around 5-10 times to get to mun even though 2 of those 10 times i crash landed the other times i have been sling shotted around mun and thrown into space! :S Anyway R&D still continues at KSC and my brave Karbals face their doom but one day ill get to mun! Looking forward to future updates! Thanks!
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