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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. heh I suppose \'overpowered\' is a term most kerbals don\'t know. My point was that if you reach orbit with a spare fuel tank left over then you may gain more speed with 1 less fuel tank as opposed to 1 more engine due to the almighty struggle of Power vs Weight. --For getting to orbit from the Mun\'s surface-- you can safely orbit as low as about 10,000m so get the Ap there by aiming your ship at the 270 mark (West) and watch the map until you get an ap of 10,000m. kill the engine and wait until you get close then burn towards the green circle again until you get the circular orbit as you did on Kerbin but at a lower altitude. Now wait until Kerbin is on the Mun\'s horizon to the West (should be in front of you) and burn towards the green circle until you see the map change again so you are going to be under Kerbin\'s gravity again. Should be simple from there. To get to the Mun you should head to the East as any other direction makes it very difficult because... 1. The Mun orbits Kerbin to the East 2. It gives you the largest window to get into the Muns gravity Edit: formatting
  2. Hi all I made this guide for a friend who was troubled getting into space and a lack of visual guides makes it hard for the beginner. I suggest to anyone who has trouble getting anywhere to use this method as a starting point. There are other ways to do it and predicting the average KSP contraption is challenging but this is a tried and tested way to get into orbit without too much inefficiency regardless of ship design. Imgur upload all thanks to CoinSlot on Reddit One last thing, if your ship doesn\'t make it to orbit using this method then take note of where it went wrong and modify your design. So long as you always use the same flight path you can easily identify which stages are underpowered/overpowered.
  3. This has got a little off topic but my opinion/design idea was 'just add more fuel to the stock SRB'. With that in mind if I were to make a higher thrust SRB I would make the nozzle bigger. Regardless of realworld science a game will look how players think things \'should\' look. If it makes sense on first glance it is effective game design. Back on topic: I assume there are no current issues with the version 15 download? Also does anyone fancy posting a screenshot of their creations using the XL SRB? I\'m curious to see how different players use it
  4. yeah I wanted Kerbal type things but it seems people want to push in the more realistic \'Orbiter\' direction. So here I am : Is anybody getting lag when dragging the \'xlsolidbooster\' part from the menu in their V.A.B? it seems to have no issue after it is placed in the viewport which is weird...
  5. hmmm ductape struts & decouplers... I could totally make that for 1.4/demo (I\'m still unsure about the new 1.5 file structure and formats). I agree Blender is troublesome. I\'m using Maya 2012 to actually make the model then exporting it to Blender just to export it to KSP.
  6. Thanks for all the positive responses Anyone used it to much success yet? On a side note... Would you like to see more stock parts duct taped/stapled/bungie corded together?
  7. I only changed these parameters to x2 what the stock SRB had. After testing it does last double a standard SRB // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 3.6 // --- solid booster parameters --- dryMass = 0.72 internalFuel = 200
  8. Hi peoples I love this game and just finished my last piece of coursework at uni so I made something I have wanted since I first played this game. Basically it is two solid SRBs duct taped together for longer boosting time. Below is the top secret prototype blueprints here it is (extract the xlsolidbooster folder to the \'parts\' folder in KSP) https://www.dropbox.com/s/vksop7w3uqdll9q/xlsolidBooster.rar UPDATE: Now works with version 15 of KSP!! note: If anyone wants the old version (pre version 15) for whatever reason let me know and I\'ll make it available In the cfg I simply doubled the fuel and weights so it *should* be balanced with other stock parts. any problems or errors in balancing let me know in this thread. Credit for the model+textures goes to the KSP guys, I only added duct tape
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