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Posts posted by sodra

  1. In short, you CAN have MJ integration with RPM using dev builds thanks to OrbitalDebris's efforts but it will screw up using SCANsat in IVA.

    Thank you, this helped a lot. I now have Mechjeb integration.

    This is, by far, the best add on I have ever seen for KSP. The quality, integration, and time you spent should be a standard for the modding community.

    I URGE you to make a command pod or cockpit version when you are ready. Some features need some work and documentation, but this could easily jump start a new IVA revolution.

    Best. Addon. Ever.

  2. I really need to get to putting together my big video series on Orbital Mechanics - this similar question has come up a lot lately...

    Anyway, some call it "Phase Angle" and such, but what you are simply looking for is the portion of the Target's Orbit that will be completed when you are on you Hohmann Transfer Orbit. Well, there's a simple equation I worked up for exactly that:

    p = 1 / (2*sqrt (d^3 / h^3))

    P gives you the portion of the target's orbit given that

    d is the Destinations Semi-Major Axis and

    h is your Hohmann Transfer Semi-Major Axis

    Not sure what your Hohmann Transfer Semi-Major Axis is? If you look at how to calculate a normal Semi-Major Axis (p+a)/2 where 'p' is your Periapsis and 'a' is your apoapsis you just plug in your two hypothetical values: 'p' is your current orbit height, and 'a' is the height you wish to reach. Thus:

    h = (s+d)/2

    p = 1 / (2*sqrt (d^3 / h^3))


    s = your starting semi-major axis

    d = your destination semi-major axis

    h = your transfer semi-major axis


    p = the portion of the target orbit completed while you coast.

    Specifically, for a 100km parking orbit, and a destination orbit of 200km:

    h = (700+800)/2 = 750

    p = 1 / (2*sqrt (800^3 / 750^3)) = ~0.454 orbits, or not quite half an orbit.

    (Now I'm off to KSP to test the results... be right back...)

    EDIT: Yep - I was correct. I was able to plan an encounter with the target - departure was set for when I (at 100km altitude) was a smidge behind the target (at 200km altitude).

    Wait, why did I put 700 and 800 in for the semi-major axis? You have to add Kerbin's Radius to your altitudes to get the SMA. Anyway, good luck!

    EDIT EDIT: FYI this same equation can be used to find optimal interplanetary angles as well...

    Thank you, this is exactly what I needed.

    I'm using MechJeb to find the information I need, but I'm going to do the burns myself.

    Seems more fun that way.

  3. Lets say I have a space station at a 100km orbit, and a shuttle at 200km orbit.

    How do I calculate the phase angle for doing the first burn (with the shuttle, to intercept the station) with the least delta-v?

    EDIT: Please don't refer me to the Scott Manley video. He is an amazing rocketeer, but I can't find the part in the video where he explains it.

  4. You do know that the number has no relation to the date, right?

    So I just made 2 new careers.

    And I can confirm, that all the planetary positions are exactly the same on Year 1, Day 1 of all careers.

    Therefor, they all start on the same date.

    If Space Travel is such a huge thing to kerbals, they could divide history into "before space travel" and "after space travel",

    like in Star Trek how they started using stardates for future history after the discovery of the warp drive/first contact.

  5. Entirely by coincidence, I was looking at the Wikipedia article for Kerbal Space Program.

    The game has notably crossed over into the scientific community with scientists and members of the space industry becoming obsessed with the game - including NASA[17] and Copenhagen Suborbitals[18]. Some have become active members of the community, for example, astronomer Scott Manley[19][specify] has become a celebrity in the world of Kerbal Space Program, using the game to bring science to gamers.


    Mission Accomplished already?

  6. Which puts things in perspective, it doesn't even have Nercubed or Hannah Hart, I'm a long way down the list (somewhere in the top 5000, a long way from the top 50).

    True, but it wouldn't hurt to try to add your name to that list.

    You have around 100k subscribers, and growing.

    I say someone try and add it to the list.

    Note: Known for numerous successes in Kerbal Space Program ;)

  7. DO keep in mind how CPU loaded KSP is though, assuming he wants to play that on it as well... :P


    Well lets see then.

    I have no lag on an AMD Phenom II X4 965

    AMD Phenom II X4 965 = 4304

    Now, on my laptop, a 350$ samsung, I have an AMD A6-3410MX APU

    This will get no lag IF I put it on High Performance mode.

    AMD A6-3410MX APU = 2113

    The Acer I suggested has an AMD A-Series A10-5757M(2.50GHz)

    AMD A10-5757M APU = 3470

    SO, the Acer I suggested may not be as powerful as a mid-range desktop CPU, but it will run KSP at a good, powerful rate.

    Source: http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_list.php

    Stay away from Acer. I've had two friends having two separate Acer products which failed within 2 years. They may be cheap but you definitely get what you're paying for. If you could buy Asus laptops I would recommend them. So far I've found them to be the best bang for your buck. I'm having a Sager laptop at the moment, was top of the line for laptops in 2011 when it came out but you definitely will feel the pinch in your wallet. I haven't a clue how it will perform for BF3 but for KSP I've managed to max all graphical settings and hit stuttering at about 400+ parts vanilla.

    All PC's and parts are different.

    My friend has a Dell with a Seagate HDD that lasted 8 years.

    On the other hand, My Asus motherboard died within a few hours of arriving.

  8. I accept your challenge.

    When you want gaming, you want a good graphics card. You can have a Phenom II, and a 6950, and you will still get great FPS (60FPS Ultra, BF3)


    The one you chose is good, but the problem is that it has 2 mid-range cards in Crossfire.

    I found the best you could get in your price range is almost the same one you picked.

    That is great if your doing work with lets say, OpenCL.

    But for gaming, mid-range Crossfire isn't very good. You get micro stuttering and such.

    Radeon HD 7660G + 7670M Dual = 752 G3D score

    Radeon HD 8650G = 1192 G3D score


  9. iZ4DBvnK94vW0.png

    Other than my plane being on fire, which is completely normal,

    Why is one intake getting more air than the other?

    Everything on my plane is completely symmetrical, and I am level with Kerbin.


    I forgot to mention this happens with every plane I make.

    I mean its not much of a problem, I can compensate for it,

    But its just a little odd to me.

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