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Rage Baneblade

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Everything posted by Rage Baneblade

  1. Just tried updating the DNS to Google's IPv6. Still doesn't work.
  2. Since this morning, the KSP store has not been loading properly, and is simply displaying the "Server Migration" message. I have tried clearing the browser cache (Firefox), restarting the browser, restarting the system entirely, and clearing the DNS cache but the page still refuses to load properly.
  3. Yep. I still remember the big announcement and all the hype leading up to it. Opening up , being confused for a second, and then suddenly getting it.Not that I've transferred my purchase over to Steam (I may even buy it again if I ever decide to), but having the game reach a much wider audience is definitely a good thing. Speaking of which, does anyone here remember the great forum outages that signaled the next update? Back when Squad hosted both the forum and download on a single server setup, so a forum crash usually indicated the update had finally arrived.
  4. Getting ready to launch a plane and applying the brakes to give the engines time to spool up. And then the darn landing gear sticks to the runway like it had melted into the tarmac in the meantime. Argh.
  5. I heard about the game back in 0.12 but didn't actually get around to playing until 0.13 (well actually 0.13.3). I still remember landing my first Mun lander using the Down Under Aerospace parts as all my manual landings ended in way too much horizontal velocity and the lander flipping end over end. I remember the days when C7 and Nova were just awesome modders (and back when Winter Owl landed his spaceplane on the Mun). I've build SSTOs in 0.16 and mastered docking. Needless to say, this game has undergone dramatic change over my knowledge of it, and even more change before that. I can't wait to see where the future takes us!
  6. 112. Not enough K's in the names of things. Why not Kuna, Keve, Kop, etc?
  7. Neat! This discovery might help pave the way to finding Earth-like planets around Earth-like stars. Also, am I the only one who had no idea that Proxima Centauri is actually part of the Alpha Centauri system? (Yes, Proxima does orbit very far around Alpha A and
  8. Right now, my preliminary plan is to break the shuttle into the following parts: RCS thruster nosecone, ASAS, Command pod (carries 6 of the 10 crew of whole system), Fuselage fuel tanks, wings (possibly fuel tanks), winglets (for the end of wings), tailfin, control surfaces, landing gear, docking port, 2 radial engines for the back (think the current radial engine), and a large engine for the back. Any way you slice it, I've got my work cut out for me.
  9. Hello all, today I wish to announce my first large KSP project. Dubbed "Project Longbow" by our design team, this will be a system of parts/vehicles designed to facilitate easy inter-planetary travel. Due to its inherent awesome, I'm basing this pack in a large part on the "Project Longshot" spacecraft from Civilization 5 (the ship you build for the Science Victory). Looking at it from a rocketry perspective, this craft makes sense for inter-stellar missions. My idea was to downscale it to ease inter-planetary missions in KSP. This was inspired in a large part by this thread. However, I fully plan to add in my own personal style to the ship. The basic mission plan works something like this: 1. A combination of SRBs and Tordial Aerospike engines launch the Longbow system into Kerbin orbit 2. The large ion engine cluster fires, accelerating the ship towards its target 3. Halfway to its destination, the ship turns 180 degrees and begins firing retrograde 4. The ion engines are left in orbit around the planet as the Longbow Shuttle detaches from the ion engines 5. The shuttle lands on the planet/moon(s) and performs !!Science!! 6. Once its time to go home, the shuttle launches, reconnects to the ion engines, and flies back to Kerbin Bear in mind this is both my first project in KSP, and my first time using Blender for 3D modeling. Expect the models to suck (at least at first). Here's the rough concept for the Longbow Shuttle:
  10. I was launching my newly designed SSTO spaceplane when it suddenly started to lose power and controlibility at 35km due to the rear tanks draining first, making the thing nose-heavy. After dipping below 20km, I could reactivate the ramjets and push the craft back up to the point it would lose control again. After repeating this process once more, I finally got the stubborn plane into orbit. Overall a very nervous flight. Either that or the time I tried to take off, and the plane suddenly became much....smaller....
  11. 711) When your SSTO flight plan includes a mandatory nosedive at 35km due to loss of control. 712) When you do this dive twice on a single flight. 713) When upon taking off, you plane suddenly gets smaller.....
  12. Your challenge is the same as mine: Run a fully calculated mission with a delta-v budget, burn times/directions, transfers, and landing without usage of the map screen or mods that show a ship's orbit. Better warm up my calculator, i guess.
  13. Hopefully Kerbin is not included in the list of 4 rocky planets to be added. But still, awesome work so far Nova! Keep it up!
  14. About the Hardcore challenge: Would having a MechJeb on the rover constitute a command pod? Because most of my rovers were actually separate vehicles from the main assembly that were left on the Mun once the mission was over. Due to MechJeb, they could still drive around. Or by command pod do you mean the primary command module?
  15. For what reason does the lander support 13 Kerbals? Wouldn't a more efficient usage of the space be for more fuel? But very neat designs regardless
  16. Besides, the scatters are not really finished at this point, and a better solution than individual colliders for each rock and tree might crop up at some point. Or a better system will be created, although scatters are mainly eye candy.
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