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  1. The Gelding Gerdie is largely shaped by KSP's short lived 'speedy, chintzy, skip the extended warranty' drive. When Engineering's primary vendor refused to give free shipping on explosive tensile catches, the nerds simply inverted the problem - 'What if we were to back out of the previous stage?'. Management vigorously grabbed onto this idea, as clipart of backing from a garage made much more interesting Powerpointfare than the usual pile of numbers. If simply left on the launch platform, she will wilt and eventually express her frustration on the crew. Press the launch button twice to not die. If you do not activate the SAS, you have only moments to vomit the lord's prayer before everything spins apart. You may not be able to clear the support tower if your FPS is not 23, adjust quality settings accordingly. Any rotational force experienced during any separation stage will likely end in death. Do not fly straight forwards from final stage separation, this will result in immediate termination and cancellation of death benefits, followed by death. That empty SRB module is critical to final stage separation, do not remove it under penalty of law. Pending the outcome of ongoing patent litigation, the launch vehicle is barred from using its designated crew recovery apparatus. Please do not fly the ship any higher than you are comfortable free-falling from before this issue is resolved. The administration may have wildly confused the terms 'gelding' and 'foaling' while commissioning the silver dedication plates, and is deeply sorry for any confusion this may have caused. Also, because I'm such a nice guy, I'll throw in the Rocket Catapult. It uses Heavy Lift Stage Boosters to get one good flip off the ground, and throw the crew up to a hunner yards! No SAS required. Just press space once to launch, and tap thereafter to pray to the fickle silk gods! Depends on http://mod.gib.me/kerbal/mods/Sunday%20Punch/. Edit - finally figured out how to attach files here. Added bonus Rockapult. More backstory, calories.
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