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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hey I just bought 2 copies for me and my friend. I love KSP! (I always played it with the demo version).
  2. Thank you for all your kind deeds.
  3. Welcome, from Korea(South...). Welcome Welcome!
  4. Hello there Kerbonauts. I have 'finally' made it into Kerbal Space program. I am willing to make good planes, and such for the Kerbals. Well, My name is Eric. I'm in love with this simulation game. I've got in touch with this game by one of kurtjmac's videos. I am still learning/testing how I can make quality spaceships. Also, I am trying to make Plugins/Mods for KSP! Thanks to the 'Squad' team who made this game. P.S:I can't modify my Profile page-it says I don't have access to that page. Something is wrong..?!
  5. Downloaded it, It is very cool. I like it.
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