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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Ahem. Ahem hem. There are more arches, you know. You should specify which arch you need to land on.
  2. Hey, just curious, but shouldn't you be able to go into space? The X-15 could get into space, if my memory is correct.
  3. You can add spoilers like so: [*spoiler=(name of spoiler)] (Text in spoiler) [/spoiler*] (Just remove the *'s)
  4. Rawrific, in 0.16, there is a bug so if you have your thrust on low you use less fuel than you are supposed to, so I think you should go full throttle, no?
  5. SRB_Freak

    Riddles :D

    Ehm, fireflies? Or maybe birds?
  6. Mechjeb is a mod, it's not SAS/ASAS or avionics. It's really useful! It automates stuff for you, like getting into orbit and stuff.
  7. Can you post some pics? Maybe you're using the wrong engine type.
  8. You should try modifying the standard launcher to have a rover, using stock landing gear. It works! Btw, no offense, but it's 0.16, not 1.6.
  9. I have sort of a system, but it's a little restrictive. The names correspond to the type of craft, and the numerals are for different iterations of said craft. Exploration Craft: Marathon I... Odyssey I... Lifters: Atlas I... Hercules I... Zeus I... Orbiters: Iris I... Concentria I... Jets and Spaceplanes: Hermes I... Lightning I... Etc.
  10. SRB_Freak


    Hi, I'm relatively new to KSP. So far, the game has been AWESOME. I'm thinking about getting the full version soon, maybe after I land on the mun on this demo. Just think! The game is only 0.16. I've been wondering about what it will be like in version, say, 0.45?
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