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Posts posted by SRB_Freak

  1. I have sort of a system, but it's a little restrictive. :(

    The names correspond to the type of craft, and the numerals are for different iterations of said craft.

    Exploration Craft: Marathon I... Odyssey I...

    Lifters: Atlas I... Hercules I... Zeus I...

    Orbiters: Iris I... Concentria I...

    Jets and Spaceplanes: Hermes I... Lightning I...


  2. Hi, I'm relatively new to KSP. So far, the game has been AWESOME. I'm thinking about getting the full version soon, maybe after I land on the mun on this demo. Just think! The game is only 0.16. I've been wondering about what it will be like in version, say, 0.45? :D

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