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Chris -BEANS-

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Everything posted by Chris -BEANS-

  1. No exciting story, but still awesome because it's my first dude to tread on alien soil and still come home safe
  2. You clearly know nothing of the intense training and survival techniques these heroes go through. That, to anyone in the know, is clearly his 'war face'.
  3. OK, my mistake, I checked my PayPal history and on the 7th of this month it cost £11.90. As above though exchange rates change, but it won't affect the price by more than pennies either way....
  4. Cheers! I reckon it should get me to minimus too, but I need to master the Mun first. Big lesson learnt here is do t end flights. A rescue would be orders of magnitude more rewarding than a simple successful landing!
  5. Exchange rates fluctuate, and the above is probably more current, but I bought it just the other day and PayPal worked it out to be a touch under eleven quid. Well worth it, so addictive and rewarding
  6. Cheers for all the encouragement and advise guys. Mounting a rescue would have been awesome!! However, I didn't want to leave Elbald stranded so I ended the flight. Bit miffed I did now
  7. The dream was to put a Kerbal on the Mun. Audacious I know, but through hard work, dedication and sheer will to succeed the Kerbal race was ready to slip the surly bonds of Kerth and make their mark on the universe around them. The 'Mun Machine' was commissioned, designed and built at the KPL (Kerbal Propulsion Laboratory) at KASA (Kerbal Aeronautics Space Administration). The best, brightest and bravest applied to be the heroic pilot on this mission, but one was big green head and slender shoulders above the rest. The mission was set, calculations made and on that fateful morning the countdown came..... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LIFT OFF!! Up they went, man and machine in heroic union. Once in space Elbald wasted no time in stabilising his orbit before burning his thrusters hard and heading off towards the unfamiliar territory of the Mun. Eventually his beloved home planet was eclipsed by the looming figure of the Mun, now tantalisingly close and pulling unsympathetically down on the 'Mun Machine', dragging it ever closer to its barren and eerie surface. Now was the time for a controlled descent. Cmdr Elbald Kermin had trained for many months to tame the great grey beast tugging at his craft. Elbald battled, he used all his training, exceeded his abilities and his dexterity bordered upon being superkerbal as he seperated the cumbersome boosters and manouvered the nimble lander towards the now inviting, exciting, dusty playground below. Descent speed minimal, orientation, perfect, lateral speed.... 4.4 M/S. "4.5 M/S, a little faster than I'd hoped, but still negligable, and with a couple of meters to go do I rise again and try once more, or do I grab destiny with both hands and claim my place in history? I choose history!!", Elbald thought to himself. Five meters, two meters, one meter.... Touchdown!! Woo Hoo!! But wait!! "I'm toppling, too late to abort, too late to correct!!" The ship toppled, ever so gently, ever so slowly, a credit to Elbalds superior descent control. But the softness of the topple was almost hurtfully sarcastic, as it counted for nothing. Before the capsule itself hit the surface, Cmdr Elbald had already come to terms with the fact that he would end his days, now numbered, on this desolate and lonely rock. The capsule thudded down and a small cloud of dust was disturbed. Cmdr Elbald steadied his nerves, took to the radio and gave the grave news to the control centre, now a lifetime away. He gave his full situation report, said his goodbyes and then declared that this great tragedy that has befallen the entire Kerbal race would not be in vain. Kerbals shall walk on the Mun!! R.I.P Cmdr, you will be remembered always. Hey all, I'm new to the game and as you can see, rubbish!! It's fantastic fun though and so addictive!! I expect I'll be around here a fair bit (mainly lurking as I have little to contribute right now..), so thought I'd say hi
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