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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. +1 to this, recently downloaded the Kosmos station pack. now got a beautiful Kerbal International space station orbiting the kerbal.
  2. Hey Kerbonauts! I am suffering from biggest is best syndrome, a very severe case. I will go to the VAB with the thought to build a sensible munar rocket but end up building sun launcher. I am using mods mixed with stock parts and I think I can suppress my problem if i understand properly an engine strength against the weight pressing on it. Please help a fellow kerbonaut, I've been talking to the engine scientist too much.
  3. One thing i havn't seen mentioned is the prospect of having to also build up your space centre. You could start in your own back yard and work your way to a fully fledged tower with a spaceplane runway!
  4. Cheers for the help guys, its not my finest landing but i definitely got close to my last lander.
  5. Hey guys, i recently bought the game and on my second day managed to create a craft that would reach and land, then return from the mun. Being overly eager i was wondering if you guys had any tips on how to have a second lander land next to my stationed one.
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