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Everything posted by soulreaver1981

  1. i use two pare of landing legs in one stage. but one needs to clip through the door to push and the second needs to clip after that. its hard to explain
  2. stop, stop, stop, stop it you guys are gonna get me started on big sssto again
  3. i tried the quinjet rune and the cargobay i'm sorry to say needs some improvement, its a bit wobbely. rest of the craft is good. of course no comment with out some tips. you could start building the door form two side's i made a example blue side is just the lv-r1 and a beam and the red side is more done. to give you a idea. greetings reaper
  4. Yes you can and there easy to select for toggle buttons.
  5. hey guys her is a ssto i'm working on and i made new air intake that i think looks cool.
  6. Dam man now i feel bad. i thought it was stuppid, you started the thread and did nothing with it. and now i hear this. Get better man. forget this and get better. this is not important. I hope you feel well soon man. Greetings Soul
  7. okay guys here is the assault arrowhead (yes i changed the name) a assault vtol version of the arrowhead yes its looks so sweet or not its angy!! (Steve Irwin) video: craftfile: http://www./download/bzlr73037dv66nr/assault_arrowhead.craft mods: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-25-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Infernal-Robotics-0-19-2 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209-0-25-BDArmory-v0-6-1-2-Dev-Thread-%28phys-range-fixes-%29-Oct-27 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365-WIP-MSI-s-Infernal-Robotics-Model-Rework-(Structural-Pre-Release) forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209-0-25-BDArmory-v0-6-1-2-Dev-Thread-%28phys-range-fixes-%29-Oct-27 if you like the craft give me some love and pres the rep (stil need to catch up to rune)
  8. Thanks guys. i dont now if the feul flows the right way rune i might upload the craft and let you guys try it as it is
  9. a smal arrowhead ssto vtol i'm working on keeping it simple this time
  10. back form vacation and made the euro fighter typhoon you need to use the asas with this one making a euro aircraft pack
  11. You can find a video on my youtube channel look it up id say
  12. I made a transforming yf but could only transform half way and stil fly
  13. Hey guys i think i deserve some more rep for thes guys I have 1854 download (thanks) and 4 guys how gave me some rep. So if you downloaded a craft and you liked it, give me some love. I need to catch up to rune
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