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Everything posted by soulreaver1981

  1. That some funny information rune. nice to now. i hope the engine on my foxbat dont melt
  2. ammazing craft verry cool. you get some rep (i might have to borrow/ steal your desgin)
  3. thanks the b2 is based of our design but its two wings for more thichness the sr-71 is not verry stabble and needs asas. but its fast
  4. hey guys i'm starting my rebuild of my real live fighter plane's The results should be: More accurate replica's. lesser parts per plane. (everthing green is up to date) The american replica's form left to right: A10, Harrier, F15E, B2, F16, F18E, F22, F35 and in the middle the SR-71 craft file's: F16 http://www./download/pdpt368s3bw6prf/1_0_5_F16.craft The russian replica's from left to right: SU27, Mig 21, Foxbat, Sukhoi 47, Mig23, Mig39 europa aircraft pack video showcasing the planes: download counter for 0.25: 4016 if you like my craft give me some love and press the rep button on the bottom left
  5. how do you make you pics look like that and how do you make the pictur link????? ooohh and nice plane's
  6. i cant explain it in words or with pic's so her is a video for you. hope it helps i almost made the whole plane. woeps
  7. remove the front part of the wing and move the rest forward and you come a lot closer.
  8. jep i use 3 or more to make moving parts. i have a video on youtube that show how i do it:
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