Any way to reload a planet your not orbiting? My planet got stuck in a gas giant and i cant orbit it. I just put myself in low Berry orbit. Jeb is amused while bill and bob are not.
I think it's best to just edit from the config file instead of an in game GUI. Besides once you edit the config all you have to do is hit the reload config button and voila, the planet gets updated.
You all ready can. You just need to define an orbit in the config. Try adding this and change the parameters to what you want. Orbit { inclination = 2.542 eccentricity = 0.0791 semiMajorAxis = 95000000000 LAN = 145 argumentOfPeriapsis = 205 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.122 epoch = 11037 referenceBody = Sun }
Kragrathea posted a comment on the reddit post with plans of releasing the source code this weekend. Guess everyone will have to go to reddit to download or wait until then. -Also a new version is up that's supposed to fix the problems with Mac/Linux/Steam versions.
The blurriness was reduced but is still there and i was able to open the blend2 file with blender. tank with old next to new texture:
Hello KSP community , so i decided to get into modding but ran into several problems along the way. I finally got through them all but one , being the in-game texture being blurred. Pictures