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Posts posted by Jarnin

  1. I've been messing around with this mod pack since it came out. I love it. That said, I ran into an interesting niggle last night I'd like to share.


    After making 1,933,324 variants of rovers with the Malemute parts, I got the strange idea that the parts would probably make a good shuttlepod-looking craft, like from Star Trek. Cockpit, Monoprop tank, tail cap. I had some side attachable monoprop engines I put on the sides near the tail, I used the side attachable DERP monoprop engines and attached them on the wheel nodes so it could take-off and land vertically. It actually turned out looking pretty good! So then it was time to test it.

    I used hyperedit to get it up into orbit, then tested SRS, RCS, and orbital maneuvering, and that's when the weirdness started. I went from an 80km Kerbin orbit up to about 500 km, and when I finished circulizing my camera started shaking but the craft was stable. I toggled the cockpit torque and engine gimbles, then changed orbits again to see what was going on. After sliding into a 350 km orbit, the camera was still shaking all over, but the craft was stable. Then I realized something: The camera was shaking as I was orbiting over Kerbin terrain, but when I was orbiting over water the shaking stopped.

    QUESTION 1: Did you put some code into the Malemute that makes the camera bounce in relation to the terrain the vehicle is moving over? I have no wheels on this shuttlepod, and yet while in orbit the camera bounces around as if it were traveling 2000 m/s over land.


    Next up, I decided I wanted to make a craft reminiscent from a game I used to play back in the 80's, called Starflight. The craft in that game sort of looked like this, so I was planning on using the Malemute parts (mixing in some Karibou parts) to build something similar. Well, after spending about 5 hours doing R&D in the SPH, I finally got something I liked. hyperedited it up into orbit to test maneuvering and docking, and that's where I ran into problems. I tried docking this craft to a space station using the Malemute extending docking ports, and they would not work. Right-clicking the malemute docking ports and selecting "Control From Here" doesn't seem to work in space; the nav ball and docking port alignment is off in such a way that the craft is turned 90 degrees on its side, just as if you were trying to dock on land with another land vehicle.

    QUESTION 2: Are the Malemute extendable docking ports coded in such a way that they are "designed" for surface, rover-rover/rover-station docking only? This one isn't such a big deal, since I can use other docking ports (though I love the expanding ones you made).


    Oh yeah, the camera bouncing came back on this craft too. I get that these parts are pretty specialized for rover builds, and the rovers you can build with these parts are bea-uti-ful; I'm just curious if, due to how the parts were coded, these parts probably shouldn't be used for things other than landed crafts?



  2. I figured asteroids probably wouldn't get much play, so I decided to goof around adding new moons to Kerbin. The stock claw got me a few, but when I downloaded this and tried a Jaw I could not get it to stick. I worked at it for about 25 minutes, moving towards the roid  at various speeds (2-30 m/s), but I could not get it to latch.

    I think the grabby bit in the Jaw might not be working in 1.1


  3. First, let me say I love this mod. It's got a great look and all the parts seem to be working well.

    I put together a pod, 2x spotlights, 2x radial impellers, 2x rudders, and the ventral ballast tank. After about 15 minutes of tooling around the seafloor I ran out of power.

    I'm now about 30 minutes in and I'm finding that with the big spotlights off and at ~12% throttle I'm barely generating enough power to charge the on-board battery.

    If you're planning on using the pod reactor as the sole power generating system, you might want to up the juice output a bit. Or maybe consider adding an inline auxiliary reactor for bigger subs with more parts, engines, etc.

  4. Anyone feels like the engine is too OP?

    Heh, yeah. I installed this mod about a month ago but just got around to trying out the engine this past Friday. I put it on a little plane I had planned on using to hit all the biomes I hadn't flown over yet. That plane took off like a bat out of hell and ended up in space in less than than a minute, and it only used about 1% of the fuel on the plane to do it. Needless to say, I was a little blown away.

    So yeah, it probably needs a little tweaking done.

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