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Posts posted by VenganzaD

  1. Most Recent Crash Log

    CKAN activated mods

    I've got about 20 other crash logs, all from the last hour.

    To clarify absolutely any thing will cause a CTD.

    Tried OpenGL still getting crashes. I assume I'm trying to use too many mods, which I feel is a bit absurd.

    Uh, am I supposed to have around 5k or so Module Manager patches? (Yep)

    So, solved? If it is just an overabunance of mods, by all means delete my sh*tpost

  2. Anyone know of a mod that will stop my vessels from being deleted when I drop them in the atmosphere?

    I'm not looking for part cost recovery. I want to drop probes with chutes, and have them actually make it to the ground.

    While I haven't actually tried it yet, I'm afraid they're going to be deleted.

  3. Please by all means correct me if I am wrong.

    I would have sworn with the release of tweakables we would be able to change the contents of tanks, not just the volume, and if I heard correctly sort of "stretch them out" to make them bigger or smaller.

    Has this been yet to be implemented or have I been mislead?

  4. A ship without a name is still a ship, for a name does not a ship make. Also, no-one would be forcing you to use it. So how exactly is it, creating difficulties for or delaying,

    "the creative process"?
    You should have been issued a full set of keyboard actuators

    I imagine a whole keyboard would get me a lot further.

    Half-cocked reasoning aside, it is merely a small suggestion for those who lack creative ingenuousness that is on par with The LORDPrometheus.


    Missed this:

    KSS Billy-Boblantis
    This is exactly what I am talking about. I understand that the omnipotent copy right laws could be a potential concern, but presumably not outright adding things like "USS Enterprise" would be the best way around that.
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