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  1. I've been experimenting with asparagus style rockets and I've come up with an interesting(ish) design which has the command pod launched upside down. The rocket looks cool enough and I've hooked up the fuel lines well and there seems to be no apparent asymmetry to the design - it's also loaded up with SAS and ASAS. However, when I launch the rocket it just immediately starts spinning extremely fast and no amount of button mashing will stop my ship from spinning and eventually exploding spectacularly! I've attached a link to the design and I would greatly appreciate if anyone could tell me where I've gone wrong or if this problem is repairable! Link: http://www./?ih22tsossn4p3pi Thanks in advance.
  2. Whoops, apologies, I must have messed up that version, but nevertheless when I have the staging right (or at least so that all the boosters fire when possible) it still doesn't work well...
  3. Hi, this is my first post but I've been playing KSP for quite a while. In the past I've had reasonable successes with my attempts to get one man rockets to the moon and back and even managed to get a spaceplane there and back a few times, but in my recent attempts to get three man landers up there my designs have been severely short fueled. It seems that no matter how much I alter the designs of my ships, from tall rockets to wide ones and whatever, I only seem to have enough to barely make it into orbit. I basically think I must be doing something very wrong either build or pilot wise. I've attached my latest attempt but I've made a few different designs before and all seem problematic. I was hoping anyone could give me advice on what I could do to sort this issue out? Anything to do with build or piloting or any other way to save some fuel would be greatly appreciated. http://www./?6tfwag7f57mp2ac
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