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  1. Hello there, I usually get this feeling when you do all you think you can do in the new updates. My solution last update was to localize every Munolith/Kerbolith (however they were finally called) and deploy a "scientific station" right nexto to it. It is a very hard quest if you do it with no mods, if you don't feel like watching all over the place I suggest using the mod which has to parts that let you know if kerboliths are nearby. It is very entertaining since you need a plane able to fly enormous distances in kerbin, to localize the kerboliths, make power landings everywhere. Make a vessel able to hover on the moon so it's a challenge for disign and good landing skills. The other thing I tried and i was stuck with this one for several days is to have capsule on the sea and your goal is to retrieve the entire capsule to the ksc. So you can introduce new concepts to the game, such as "boats" if you try it the easy way moving the capsule with a boat to the coast and the picking it up with a hovering vehicle. Or to go pure hovering over Kerbin. Now in this update I am working with rendezvous. My goal is to have a satellite (of three kerbals) orbiting Kerbin. Then I launch a rocket able to have a 3 kerbal crew, but I leave one on ground (I usually kill him ). Then I rendezvous both vehicles and make a complete exchange of crews so all the 3 people on the satellite goes in the rocket and land on kerbin. I hope that helped
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