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Sean Mirrsen

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    SSTO Obsessed Tinkerer

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  1. So I do have to ask, why are you so.... uppity about these forums?

    1. Sean Mirrsen

      Sean Mirrsen

      Well... to put it quite simply, I just don't like them, meaning specifically these new IPS boards. I don't like the manner of their introduction, I don't like both visual and functional changes they brought, I don't like them being used as an excuse to get rid of a part of the community history, etc.

      On top of that I plainly bear no particular attachment to them, so I'm trying myself out in the role of a misguided campaigner to see whether I can fully express my disliking of them and not get banned in the process - hurray if I can, no big loss if I can't. <_<

      That and roleplaying is against the rules (rule 2.2j), and I'm normally always maintaining a fictional persona (see my sig), so I'm cranking being out of character up to 11. Normally I'd never care to speak up, but this is just too much of a perfect storm. :P

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