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  1. I've been having a similar problem. Can confirm after testing that removing all crew on EVA and then replacing them resets TAC's EC timer. Logs via dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o43jo4md10ninas/KSP.log?dl=0 When the game was loaded, my craft had EC full-ish and producing, but timer read in negative hours. I attempted to EVA to reset it as ExEv describes but it didn't work. After attempting to deorbit the craft I EVA'd both crew, and this did reset the timer. After which the game was loaded once again, both crew removed and replaced, and the timer began functioning as intended. The timer became dysfunctional during a few weeks of timewarp at the space center overview screen. Unfortunately, I do not have the logs covering the point at which that occured, merely the startup and load during which it was fixed by method described. EDIT: Hurr Durr version info. This was using TAC v0.13.2.0, KSP v1.3
  2. *raises eyebrow* Place the Gamedata directory in your primary KSP install folder, where the currently existing Gamedata directory is. Overwrite anything it asks you too. The vast majority of KSP mods work this way.
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