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Everything posted by C7Studios

  1. Allright I checked things out, I've got the model working by creating a new part.cfg file from scratch. I'm going to bed now but I'll send you the working cfg file in the morning. There's a couple things going on I noticed. I'm going to assume harvester is using standard integers or floats. So the limit on your variables is going to be way lower then you entered in the cfg files. As a rule don't go over 9999 to prevent overflows of the variables. The hard limit is technically 32k, but its better to be on the safe side. Also, your node colliders are exact copies of your part. At least if I imported your files right. That would mean they are in fact concave. The physics engine cannot handle concave objects at all, so your parts are going to behave in and undefined manner. Just make a simple shape for your collider that matches the general shape of your model. Like a polygonal tube. Not only does complex geometry murder performance, the physics engine won't know what to do with it. I'll upload a working copy of everything tomorrow. G'night. -C7
  2. If you want, you could send it to me and I could take a look at it for you. Otherwise I'm not sure what else to say without looking at the models. Another key point is to make sure your node_collider meets the definition of a convex shape on all Axis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convex_polygon
  3. If you look under attach rules, you can see allow_collision. If it is set to 1, this will allow parts to intersect when attaching. As it stands right now, set to 0, no parts of the node_collider for either model may intersect for the part to be placed successfully. You either need to correct the placement of your collider node or set the flag to 1. As a trick I always model my collider nodes slightly smaller then the part. This makes them seamless as the visual meshes will line up, but the node_colliders won't touch or overlap.
  4. They're getting nerfed next update. They're not needed anymore ;D
  5. Ah thanks for doing that. I had a brief moment of panic when you said said that stabilizers were being deprecated. I thought it would break my pack. I'll get to work updating things to be compliant with the new version. -C7
  6. Ahaha, wow. You just made my day. That thing is downright epic. 8)
  7. Very nice. That's the first working model I've seen with underbelly thrusters. Good job!
  8. Very nice planes everyone. Its great to see the cool stuff that you can do when you mix the pack with other parts
  9. I think it will be much easier to survive the whole re-entry thing once the atmosphere is blended out. As it stands right now, your wings go from generating no lift in space, to deflecting 800m/s worth of lift in a matter of seconds. I've tested this quite a bit and depending on your angle and speed it can have some rather terminal outcomes... Well the good news is that they tend to be rather entertaining to watch. Perhaps not so much when you've spent 15 minutes or more getting to the dark side of the planet.
  10. I'm going to see about making some utility parts to go with my flight pack in the future. Such as sas modules designed to fit with the spaceplane hull. I've still got to iron the kinks out of 1.2 before moving on to adding new parts though. So it may be a little while till it gets done.
  11. Very nice design, functional and it looks really cool. My kind of spaceplane to be sure.
  12. Yea, not to mention the landing gear would occasionally bounce right back into the fuselage of the plane. Or if you landed wrong it would do 'fun' things to your spine. Or the issues with the shock absorption system failing during landing and breaking half the pilots bones. Sufficient to say, it is not a plane I would care to ever fly. But somehow, I think I know a pilot who would be up for the challenge --- 8)
  13. I approve of this Always nice to see the spaceplanes people design. Keep up the good work.
  14. @mictaste Aww I can't seem to view any of your photos I'll have to try these craft files and see how they handle. As for the photos you could always use something like GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) to edit them. Gimp is free and Open source. Two of my favorite things @SirScott I am very much reminded of the ME-163 and its rather amusing use of 'jettisoned' landing gear. You literally landing the thing on a skid and prayed. I endorse your breaking method as being highly Kerbal. 8) @TimBarret the landing gear is actually a V shaped collision mesh with the bottom part flattened. The connection side is the opening of the V. This helps with the whole snapping off during landing thing... @Iamwearingpants I'm glad you like the parts. I spend a lot of time making and testing them. I try to please everyone, but its not possible... hehe. I really like your heavy plane. Its like a massive version of my blackbird clone @Fennar Welcome to the atmospheric brick wall effect. Your control surfaces suddenly generate lift along with your wings at an incredible pace. As you can image this has some rather 'fun' side effects. The atmosphere is being re-tooled to have a more natural blending instead of being a hard demarcation point. I've also heard that there might be some testing on the re-entry heat. That will be rather amusing to say the least lol.
  15. *Please note - these ships are for an old version of KSP and the flight pack. I will update them as soon as I have time to the current version of the flight pack. Sorry for any confusion on this.* -C7- These Ships now require version 1.3 or higher of C7 Flight pack. I\'ve gotten a lot of requests for some 'ready to fly' spaceplanes. So here they are! Tweak them, crash them, and otherwise have a good time with \'em. Please contribute your own revisions and designs to the thread. I\'d love to see what you crazy Kerbalnauts can come up with 8) Quad Platform - Just seeing what I can get away with. It can\'t land, so you have to ditch and parachute to live. Sr-Mockingbird - My main testing ship. Very agile and rather resiliant. Flying Delta Wing - A very large glider, use only low engine power and try to avoid going faster then around 200 m/s. Just seeing if this type of design is effective. TestBed - Another testing design I use a lot. Simple canard jet design. Sample Craft files http://dl.dropbox.com/u/36240098/C7Ships1-3.zip C7 Flight Pack Current Version http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=1172.0 Although these were made using only the stock and C7 parts. Feel free to add designs using any modded parts you like. Just let people know what packs you\'re using so they can load em up!
  16. I've managed to make a rather functional orbiter. It can launch to orbit, glide down, flare and land safely. Even on the new terrain. One trick I did was add a support from the pod to the fuselage adapter. That stopped the pod from snapping off during a jeb-worthy landing. I'm really liking your designs though, good stuff
  17. Looking awesome. Its good to see more people getting in on the whole spaceplane thing
  18. It looks really good, you are a part making machine sir. Getting into the spaceplane arena?
  19. I've tested this very thoroughly. It doesn't seem to matter what values I've used all the way up to the maximum number for an integer. If you try to land outside of the green patch around the flight area, you can expect to die horribly. It would appear that a completely different type of terrain is being used outside the landing area, and I suspect that is the reason. If anyone finds a solution to this please let me know, so I can fix the landing gear in my mod.
  20. There's a lot of information on how to create parts on the wiki. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/~kerbalsp/wiki/index.php?title=Part_Modelling_Guidelines The sdk is only really used to check that your part can be loaded into KSP. It gives you errors and allows you to check how your model will look in game. I'd suggest starting with the wiki first and seeing if that can answer your questions. Otherwise, I can point you to some reference material on the specific skills you need to make a part. To make a complete model you need two things, both of which you can get for free. A 3d editing program such as blender to make the models and an image editing software to make textures such as gimp. Best of luck
  21. They do use the same the DAE plugin. So it should be relevant. I'll have to get my hands on a copy of 3ds max and test what the differences are.
  22. Hi! I made a guide on using MAYA to make meshes for KSP. Hopefully this will help, I had a lot of the same problems when I was first trying to get them loaded. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=1101.0
  23. I've been silently working on making some mods for KSP, but I've had a heck of a time getting MAYA working with KSP. I've also noticed a lot of people on the forums with the same problems. I hope this helps! This information is for MAYA 2011, or higher, but should still apply to older versions. When using Maya to create parts for KSP, there are a few settings that will make your life much easier. First off, Ensure that you have the latest DAE_FBX plugin installed in Maya. You can get the plugin here. This will allow you to create the DAE meshes that are needed by KSP. http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/pc/item?id=10775855&siteID=123112 Next, you need to make sure both the DAE_FBX plugin and Maya are configured to use the correct scale. This will correct any issues with oversized or undersized parts. To set Maya's units Go to Window->Settings/Preferences->Preferences In preferences Select settings on the left hand side, Change world co-ordinate system to up axis Y and Working units to Linear: Meter To Configure the DAE_FBX plugin for importation Go to File->Import When in the Import menu, select 'files of type' from the bottom and change it to DAE_FBX. This will give you acess to the file type specific options on the right hand options menu. Expand File Type Specific options-> Advanced options-> Units Uncheck automatic and select file units converted to: Meters To check to make sure all of your settings are correct, File Specific Options->Statistics should show: File Axis Direction: Y-up File Units: Meters System Axis Direction: Y-up System Units: Meters To Configure the DAE_FBX plugin for exportation Go to File->Export All When in the Export menu, select 'files of type' from the bottom and change it to DAE_FBX. Under the Options Menu on the right hand side, expand File Type Specific Options->Advanced options. Under Units, check to make sure that automatic is unchecked, and select File units converted to: Meters. Next, Under Collada make sure Single Matrix is unchecked. This should correct rotational issues with your model. Side notes and information. For some reason, it appears that maya cannot export groups to the DAE_FBX plugin. If you have groups for your models, the output will break. When creating your file, make sure to include a collision mesh. To do this, Select your object and open up the attribute editor (This is on the right hand side by default). Change the transform:name to read exactly node_collider. Please let me know if there are any additional clarifications needed / advice on this article. Happy Kerbal modding
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