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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. @VincentMcConnell Thank you for the info! Tried a few times to clear space debris from around Kerban, only had one semi-successful docking, there is only one thing worse than not been able to get to your target... is getting to your target with near empty tanks... lol Using the time acceleration creates phantom forces and jiggles the spacecraft and target apart, so is wise not to use time laps after you have used the legs to clamp on to your target... I made a suggestion somewhere on the dev forum, to have some sort of time line markers on your ships orbit line, and the ability to select a target and see the same time line markers on its orbital line. Just so you know when & where you and your target will be at the same time. Ether scaling when you zoom in and out on your map (I think that would be better) or static time, (but I think static time would get messy & difficult to see clearly from far distances). Never the less I think this will help to take out some of the guesswork for traveling to other bodies, craft, debris etc. I think it will help more in the future after the dev\'s start to add more planets, asteroids etc. It could also be an in-game research & upgrade for Kerbal nav systems for later development or full release of the game. Anyways... thanks for tutorial, I have got most of it down, just need to keep my patience in check... :
  2. @Axel Yep I can\'t disagree with that... I wouldn\'t want people to have their mods dismissed because of their differences, just a quick & simple way to find the different kind\'s of mods players want to try. So some sort of category for close to Kerbal physics & 1, or 2, or more other category\'s for other types. anyways glad your making a site for this, and looking ford to using it!
  3. [glow=blue,2,300]Axel has the right idea! and would be grate to see available mods for KSP there soon! http://xenolith.ws/ [/glow] KSP guys do have a dedicated section to just MODs & Parts downloads located here: http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.net/tag/mods However I think the page needs a few tweaks... S:| MODs, Parts and Packs could be displayed by user drop down selection eg, function, style, creator, most downloaded, most popular etc... With a thumbnail image (maybe roughly 200px Lx100px H ?) & simple title that takes you to a more detailed look at MOD you are looking at, Perhaps to the modders own forum page. The existing page/s is already similar to this but needs to be more user friendly and listed in a more functional way. I have seen a lot of mods on yourtube and they don\'t seem to be very easy to find sifting through forum pages, which reduces availability to other players who might want to try your mods out. Another little issue I have seen with some mods are Power & Game Play Balance (not physical balance). some parts are over powered, some way over powered and on occasion some seem under powered, some don\'t have meshes or scripted incorrectly. So it might be nice to have ether appointed persons or have a community moderated system so they can rate the mods they have tried. Not sure what else to add on the matter only that I agree that forums are only really good for discussion, but it is really easy to link from a index page to the mods forum page/s where the modders can post download links for their mod, write updates & changers, and also where the community can give feed back and suggestions on that page, which will work really well and is really easy to set up, But there has to be a page like this one http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.net/tag/mods but better so you can find what your looking for quickly and easily, and links you to the modders forum page to download and learn more about the mod. [glow=blue,2,300]Recap:[/glow] Change current URL page http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.net/tag/mods to large thumbnails displayed with a simple title for each, that links to the modders forum page where you can download the mod from, and discuss the mod there with the modder/s and other players...
  4. I don't know if anyone has suggested it yet put try using multipliable engine types, Use slower engines to get you off the ground and up to speed before engaging faster engines etc. I know this is out side the confines of the game and maybe cheating But I was trying to get t the sun. I tweaked the std liquid engines (liquidEngine1) to maxThrust = 550 and fuelConsumption = 0.008 at first I tried using a large rocket but I fell asleep, when I woke up it was spinning wildly in all directions and was only 350,000 km from Kearth, at 15,000 m/s. Also I found a bug as iI was unable to point the ship away from Kearth, even after I jettisoned the extra tanks I could only maintain control for a very short time until I reach 31,000 m/s then it became uncontrollable again. I am attempting it again with three SAS systems under the command pod. so far i am currently at 42,000km from Kearth at 183,000 m/s, there is some wobbling but the extra SAS systems seem to be doing the trick for now.... ;D
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