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Everything posted by fallofshadows14

  1. A friend recently linked me to this online game, which features KSP's music in the background. Credit is given to the artist, so I'm assuming nothing was stolen, but it totally took me by surprise. Anyone else ever found something like this? http://htwins.net/cuberoll/
  2. Thinking I could play Kerbal .23 on my laptop. The older versions used to work, the newer stuff just lags like crazy. I can't wait for the day I can get a real computer...
  3. Hey folks, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had this problem, so I'm wondering how you've fixed it, if a fix is even possible. Let's say you have a ship orbiting the mun, or in my case, Jool. You speed up the time warp on a completely different ship to the max setting, and viola! The ship you worked so hard to get into Joolar orbit has now flung itself at the sun. Are there any fixes for this? And because I don't like starting two new posts at once, does anyone have a low memory usage on screen protractor to recommend?
  4. I'm not sure if this is actually a glitch, but I've had it happen to me. I just pulled the legs back in and put them out again, and everything went as normal.
  5. Wait, we can see Kraken remains? Where at? I haven't had much of a chance to explore yet.
  6. I wouldn't mind a spoiler pointing to the right crater at least. Or pm me, as not to ruin it for others?
  7. I personally have never gotten this to work on the Mun, although it's very easy to do on Minmus.
  8. Hey guys, sorry I haven't responded yet, I just got back to college and this week has been super busy. @Nutt007: I tried resetting my password, the forums failed to send me an email with my new pass info. I figured I'd just make this account, it's not like I did much with the old one anyways. @Others: Thanks for your suggestions, but I'm looking for a stable mod, not using stock parts (they just get stuck on hills/terrain cracks). Maxed-Rockets, I'll be giving that mod a test, thanks! It seems to be what I'm looking for, I'll dl it and test it out when I have a break from classes.
  9. Hey guys, long time no see (lost my old account, fallofshadows) I'm currently working on building a mun community, using my orbital construction craft that's orbiting the mun to send things down. I remember there being a munar rover/kart mod around, is that still around here? And does anyone have any advice on building an orbital construction craft that can easily land with the rover attached? I've only recently really gotten decent at landing, so I'm looking for an easy way to get my rover to the surface. My kerbals are getting tired of walking so far! Thanks!
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