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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. An oldie, but I love it. A scene from my first successful Mun (and return) mission, and reminiscent of Apollo 8 photo.
  2. Delivery of another truss of solar arrays for my KSS.
  3. C'mon Mr Kerbonaut, why the long face? The rocket sled MMU I built for you might be a death trap, but lose the attitude.
  4. Get an Imgur account Upload pics there Select a pic to post, then use the BBCode option (which will copy the link) Paste that link here Cheers.
  5. Just having some fun with these scary-powerful Warp drive engines. Single stage to Mun and back.
  6. The guys in the station needed one more for their Friday night card game ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww9IFaYBB84
  7. V 0.17 makes very pretty pictures. I'm just finding it runs really slow on my iMac compared to 0.16
  8. Apologies if everyone else is aware, but I jet packed a Kerbal through the arch the other day - and he just disappeared in a puff of smoke! Mission log says he's dead ... or transported somewhere else?
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