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Everything posted by ohiobr

  1. 'Beta fish are good with confined spaces..' But they\'re not good with slowly rotting away in an unfiltered/unheated bowl filled with ammonia from their own waste. In the wild bettas can be found in tiny ponds that some might even describe as puddles. But you know what those puddles have? Plants, algae, and bacteria that act as a filtration system to process all the waste products of the animals that live in them. 1. Bettas are tropical fish and they wont last long in an unheated bowel. 2. A bowl without any kind of filtration will slowly fill up with ammonia until you do a water change. The constant build up and reduction of ammonia will stress and eventually kill the fish. Ask your sister how she\'d like to spend her life locked in a closet filled with her own waste and only having it cleaned out once a week. Properly cared for bettas can live for upwards of 6 years. Your sisters probably wont last more than a few months. If she\'s actually interested in keeping it alive she needs to read this and take it to heart. http://www.aquariumforum.com/f52/anyone-who-has-never-had-betta-2989.html
  2. I suppose you could call a stg-556 a fake AUG
  3. Hour 1: Get up from PC, flip dead bolts, open gun safe, load mags, call work and cash in vacation hours(just in case). Hour 2-whenever: Sit naked in front of PC eating mountain house straight out of the can until the power cuts out.
  4. Nice. M44? Got my dad a 91/30 for Christmas...and of course got one for myself too. I feel kind of lame calling this my 'build' when the op actually built a gun. So this is the gun I assembled from parts.
  5. What front sight post is that?
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